Video Game Design 1

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Copyright & Fair Use


To dispel myths about copyright law. To make students aware of the consequences for copyright violations in their school work and their personal and professional lives.


In today's permissive, non-judgemental society it seems as long as what you are doing doesn't hurt anyone, it is probably okay. Copyright infringement (copying MP3s off the Web) surely doesn't hurt anyone and, besides, those rock and rap stars and their recording companies have way too much money anyway....

What you don't know can hurt you. Don't just "think" you know your rights. When it comes to the internet, make certain you KNOW your rights and your responsibilities.

Assignment 1 - 10 Big Myths

Using the information from the "10 Big Myths About Copyright" website and other sites (listed below), construct a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation to demonstrate an understanding of the "truth" about copyright and fair use. Presentations will be printed in handout (6 or 9 slides per page - must be readable) format and assessed per the "Copyright & Fair Use PowerPoint Rubric."

Assignment 2 - Cases & Terms

Open "Copyright and the Courts" (see attachment 4 below).
A.  Define the terms

B.  Gather and record information about two court decisions involving copyright infringement. These must be cases that have already been decided by the courts.   

Students will present and discuss pertinent information about these cases with the class.

Turn in your completed "Copyright and the Courts" forms for a grade.


Author: Pat Rox
Last modified: 10/13/2016 6:30 AM (EDT)