Professional Portfolio Ryan Amand

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Community and population health

Nurses will play an integral role in the health of the community throught numerous iniatives and measures. Education, vaccination and advocay will help to serve underserved individuals in the community that may not have access to proper health care. The goal for nurses will be to alleviate health disparaties that are plaguing the community.

Expanded reflection of Community and population health

Nurses will be required to play a significant role in the prevention on chronic conditions and ailments. The ability to utilize primary prevention techniques will be important for the allevaition of health disparaties and health inequalaties. As previously stated nurses will have to utilize education during the promotion of activities to help decrease the rates of chronic conditions and ailments such as obesity and other chronic conditions that may be preventable. Collaboration will be key with health promotion in the community as nurses will want to identify communiy resources and support. Community health will be a significnt concern as the associated health care costs contiune to rise. Community outreach programs will be important as they will be able to provide for those who may need additional care and or resources.

A. Development of professional definition for Community health nursing

The program of study for community nursing was outlined and split into two different cours. The first community course enbaled an identification of a signinifant problem within Carver County, Minnesota. C228 Community health and population based Nursing was rich in theory and intial diagnosis into ones community. The Objective assessment was broad information, but the required perfomrance assessment allowed for a hands on evaluation and identifiction of Carver County. The second portion of the course enabled the identification of agencies and members of community looking to improve and reduce obesity rates.


The American Museum of Natural History (ANHM) certificate and Task 1 for course C228 Community Health and Population Focused Nursing are the two artifacts that were utilized for the development of the definition for community health nursing.  The AMNH certificate was earned during the first require course Care of the older adult.

i. Support of Definition from artifacts

The defintion of community health is supported by the artifacts that were developed and earned during the course of study. The intial identificaion of Carver County was developed during the complettion of Task 1 for course C228, Community health and Population focused nursing. The artifact identifies the demographics of Carver County and the areas of concern.

2. Summary of Community Health Task

The community health task was segmented into two different sections. Part one of the community task helped identify the primary health concern for the people of Carver County. This task started off with 25 required hours. An initial investigation of Carver County was conducted during a windshield survey, a scavenger hunt and even a cultural interview. The details of Carver County can all be located in the uploaded artifact for this section. Statistics are an important part of any assessment as it identifies those that may be at a significantly larger risk for negative health outcomes. After analyzing the data, it was determined that obesity was the most significant health concern for the people of Carver county. I was able to identify the levels an gaps in services that may lead to health disparities. The County has numerous resources and has numerous agencies working to improve the health and reduce the obesity rate In Carver County. Improving access to out door parks and walking paths is a significant goal for Government of Carver County.

B. Discover what you learned led to your diagnosis

Carver County is a healthy county as its scores in the top two counties for overall health and health outcomes. During this process an identification of obesity occurred when analyzing the health outcomes of Carver county. When compared to the state and national level Carver County is relatively healthy, but the population of Carver County will continue to grow and the rate of obesity may also increase. There were two other areas of concern and they were excessive drinking and prevelance of sexually transmitted diseases.

c. Discover how your initial focus and diagnosis changed after Working with your community.

As more time was spent working with community leaders and medical expert a more developed diagnosis occurred. The primary concern is obesity for Carver County is obesity. This was the health issue that has the most significant impact on the residents of carver county. During the beginning of my field experience there were numerous agencies and community experts that were visited and consulted. An indepth-anaylis of the local grocerry store and identification of potential food deserts took place during the task. After meeting with individuals from a local elementary school, park board members, pediatricans and dieticians the focused population and detailed project population was identified to be children and adolescents. The prevention of childhood obesity is of growing concern because of the growing migrant population that may not have access or the resources to purchase healthy foods. An on site tour of local food shelters and community gardens were also helpful for the project. Numerous on sit visits of after school programs and daycare where helpful in the development of required interventions for the prevention of childhood obesity. Community outreach and collaboration of stake holders will be required for this concern and primary prevention strategies.

3. American Museum of Natural History certificate

During my first term of study, a certificate was earned after successful completion of a the Course Genetics, Genomics and Genethics. The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) certificate will be an important tool moving forward as a nurse. This course provided me with a significant refresher for the study of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and the process of translation and transciption. And the transfer of genetic information to ones offspring.  The course was very insightful and instilled a high level of information regarding genetics in the development of chroinc conditions. Understanding the importance of genetics as a nurse will be critical when caring for patient that migh be at gentically pre-dispositioned for the development of certain cancers, and diseases. Indentifing those that may be at risk because of the herditary charactersitics they possess will empower me as a nurse and my patients.
Author: Ryan Amand
Last modified: 3/11/2017 5:13 PM (EDT)