Professional Portfolio Ryan Amand

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Applied leadership

This category will go indepth upon applied leadership in the profession on nursing. Leadership entails numerous traits and qualities to promote and enahnace the profession of nursing.
This portfilo will also touch upon personal experiences during the Nursing leadership experience. From hiring new nurses to balancing a floor's budget, nurse managers are an integral component of the profession of nursing.

Leadership experience task

         During the leadership experience for the development of a delirium protocol involvment of a interdisiplinary team was very important.  Collaboartion and working with the interdisiciplinary team was essential in the creation of a delirium protocol for the VA Medical Center and enabled a Successful completion of the leadership task. Weekly meeting would take place and a Delirium task force was assesmbled with the numerous disciplines within the hospital. Ocuupational and physical therapists where two fields that provided substasial feed back for the delirium protocol. A pyhisican was also present during the meetings and was able to better explain the phenomea of delirium and provide the group with literature on delirium and prevention techniques. The Physican also planne on delivering a lecture on delirum to the new residents that will be starting soon. Some of the areas that would be covered will be prevention techniques, pharacological interventions and also contraindiciations. The ability to be an effective leader requires the input from numerous individuals. The propesed delirium protocol was successful because there was a substanisal amount of buy-in from the other members of the delirium task force.

Expanded definition and reflection of applied leadership

Leadership plays an important role in the profession of nursing is it enables one to take charge and help to bring about a great deal of change. A previous definition of leadership was created during the professional roles and values course while at Western Governors University. There is a saying that you dont know where your going unless you know were you've been. Florence Nightingale was the first true leader and prominent nurse to bring credibility to the proffession and greatly expand the profession. The previous definition described the importance of qualities and characterstics a leader must have. After further evaluation and continued growth it is important that leaders play an integral part in the growhth of junior nurses. Leaders must also be able to work with numerous members of a diverse interdisiplinary field to ensure positive patient outcomes are being met. Leaders must also be fair, consistent and also ethical. Upholding the ethcial standards and promoting values is an important role for a leader in the nursing field. Leadership is more than the managerial functions desribed in the previous definition.  A leader can be a senoir floor nurse that works hard to bring about change to the floor and improve patient outcomes.

A. Development of professional definition

 The development of the definition for applied leadership was aided by the  course work in the program and the readings that were assigned to the differentm areas of study. The leadership experience was one expereince that yielded a substansial amount of growth. The ability to manage a product was very important. The defintion in previous section can also be attributed to the charge nurse training that was received while at work. Understanding the dynamic of a busy medical surgical floor was eye opening as a great deal of daily planning and delgation takes places. Going to patient rounds and the bed huddle in the late afternoon was empowering and helped establish a higher level of critical thinking and planning. Although the charge nurse training can not be directly linked to the program and course of study, this training and new job responsibilty coupled with theoretical learning has provided numerous leadership qualaties.

Aritfacts for applied leadership

The artifact in this section is the performance assessment that was required for Course C493 Leadership and Professional Image. The artifact outlines the required leadership experience that was completed at VA Medical Center. The overall goal for the project was a creation of a delirium protocol.

i. Support of Definition from artifacts

The attached artifact highlights the leadership experience in the development of a delirium protocol. This artifact leads to the expanded definition as there was a substansial amount of growth during project. I was able to work with an interdisiplinary team for the development and creation of a protocol for patient's that are experiencing delirium or ones that are at risk for delirium. The ability to plan, coordinate and predict potential barries played an important role in the development of the definition.
Author: Ryan Amand
Last modified: 3/11/2017 5:13 PM (EDT)