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Life on Longwood Campus

I am involved in many different types of organizations on campus such as Delta Sigma Pi, Sigma Alpha Pi, and ISYS Organization.

Delta Sigma Pi: 

This is a picture of the Kappa Nu chapter of Delta Sigma Pi at Longwood University as of Fall 2014.

Delta Sigma Pi is the business fraternity in the business school at Longwood University and many other business schools around the country. Longwood's chapter of Delta Sigma Pi was founded on April 12, 1981 and we currently have about 60 members. In this organization there are about 10 executive members that lead the organization and make decisions that affect everyone in the group. There are also committee positions, which they take care of the smaller jobs that need to be completed by the group. I have held a committee position for the past two semesters that is called Special Activities. The Special Activities position takes care of Ball at the end of the pledging process. Ball is usually a party for the newly initiated members of the Fraternity to enjoy the time with current and alumni members. I have made some great friends within this fraternity and will always cherish their friendship.


Sigma Alpha Pi:

This is the crest of the Leadership society.

Sigma Alpha Pi is the Leadership society on campus and I have been a member for about a year. When going through the initiation process for this organization, it thought me to speak up as a person and to be a better leader when the time comes. It also taught me about the kind of person I am when it comes to being in a group of people for a project or assignment and how to deal with other types of people. The organization has brought me closer to the University as a whole, because there are many other members from many different majors. 


ISYS Organization:

This is the logo of the ISYS Organization as of Fall 2014.

The ISYS Organization was just founded last year by one of my friends Tim Davis. He has the vision of bringing together ISYS majors and helping others with difficulty in certain entry level classes. I hold an executive position in this organization called Director of Membership. What I do is take care of any questions that new members might have and I send out the weekly emails to inform everyone of what we are doing that week as a group. We have many workshops to help people that don't understand many aspects in the computer industry such as Database workshops, and Scripting workshops. 


Author: Brittney M. Baker
Last modified: 3/31/2015 10:37 AM (EDT)