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Out on the Water

My grandparents own a house in Lewisetta, VA which is off of the Potomac River. The drive is about an two hours from our residence in Manassas, but it's all worth it once we get down there. Normally, my whole family goes down during the summer and has a great time just being together. We have three jet ski's and we have a boat, most of which doesn't work from time to time but we make them work so that way we can have fun. for Christmas this past year, my grandparents bought a trampoline to put out in the middle of the creek, which I can't wait to test out. I can't wait for the weather to warm up, so that I can be out on the water. 


I love enjoying the outdoors as much as poosible, which is why I love just being outside in the fresh air. I love the different views that you may see when you go hiking, its always something different. I love to go on long walks that way I can get my excercise in for the day. I have been with many friends hiking up mountains and trails, such as Applachian Trail. I have also gone to many state parks and enjoyed going on trails that they have through the woods.

Playing Soccer

I have been playing soccer for about 12 years and that includes sometimes on two teams at a time. I have played on a travel team and on my high school team at the same time, which always kept me in shape. My father caught me when I was a little girl about 7 or 8 and taught me how to play soccer since he used to play when he was a kid. Soccer is my favorite sport to play and I have started to play with an adult league during the summer. I can't wait to get back out there; enjoy the warm weather and play the sport that I love so much.

Author: Brittney M. Baker
Last modified: 3/31/2015 10:37 AM (EDT)