Community Research Fellowship

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Why did you migrate and why did you stay?

Narrative writing tells a story. It brings people's past life experiences into a vivid, present reality. Stories allow readers to draw connections with their personal life experiences and learn from others. As the fellows drafted and finalized the client's stories, they took on the journey of creation and worked together in order to make these people's voices heard, as their life stories have rich value that ought to be shared. 

Why are Stories Important?

Why are Stories Important?

Maria Herrera

“Mi nombre es María como todas las Marías en este país que llegamos.”

“Well, my name is Maria like all of the Marias in our country that arrive to the U.S.”

Miguel Delgado

 “Si ustedes de antemano sabe que en México hay todo él tiempo la pobreza, y un busca él vivir un poco mejor con la familia. Mi padres todo el tiempo fueron pobres..”

“You are all beforehand aware that there is always poverty in Mexico, and one must find the a way to have a better life with the help of family. My parents had always been poor people...”

Hermila López

"Pero dicen que no hay mal que por bien no venga. Al rato ya voy a estar bien. Siempre estar firme y bien."

"But they say that there is no bad through which good doesn't come. I will be ok. I have to be strong and ok."


Author: Iliana Barragan
Last modified: 5/10/2018 8:25 AM (EDT)