My Professional Portfolio - Updated

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cdcover.jpg These publications were selected as evidence of my writing skills and my knowledge about portfolios that support assessment for learning. I chose examples of my publications from the early 1990s through to the summer of 2004. I can definitely see a change in my thinking about portfolios, from learning about e-portfolio tools, to learning about assessment for learning.
Web Links:
  1. AERA paper AERA paper
    Roundtable Paper discussed at American Educational Research Association Conference (April 9, 2006). This paper presents the REFLECT Research Data Collection Plan, and options for questionnaire items to be included in the second round of data collection (for Spring 2006).
  2. Article for IRA JAAL Article for IRA JAAL
    Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement: The REFLECT Initiative. Accepted for upcoming Electronic Portfolio issue of the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy (JAAL-International Reading Association) - July 2006. This paper is an update of the White Paper (below) that was written at the beginning of the REFLECT Initiative. This updated paper discusses some of the findings from the first year site visits.
  3. Conflicting Paradigms in ePortfolio Approaches Conflicting Paradigms in ePortfolio Approaches
    This 2004 paper covers the conflicting paradigms in portfolio development, positivism vs. constructivism. The paper covers the Legal and Psychometric Issues of High Stakes Portfolios, and how to separate assessment management systems and electronic portfolios, to maintain the integrity of both. Links to institutions who have successfully kept the two tools separate. Discusses a theory of motivation and electronic portfolios around content, purpose, and process.
  4. Connected Newsletter article Connected Newsletter article
    Using Electronic Portfolios for Formative/Classroom-based Assessment. Submitted June 2006 to the Connected Newsletter (Classroom Connect). This paper was a re-write and update of the REFLECT Brief published in early 2005 as part of the RFP.
  5. Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio Create Your Own Electronic Portfolio
    The latest article that I published in Learning & Leading with Technology, April 2000, focused on "Using Off-the-Shelf Software to Showcase Your Own or Student Work." In this article, I moved from commercial software to the use of common desktop software tools.
  6. Differentiating ePortfolios and Assessment Systems Differentiating ePortfolios and Assessment Systems
    This SITE 2004 paper addresses some of the issues of definition, between electronic portfolios and online assessment management systems. It is difficult to conduct comparative research on electronic portfolios because of the emergence of very diverse models of implementation, especially in some of the new commercial tools that are available. These different implementations and "definition by default" make the task more difficult. This paper is an attempt to delineate the differences between electronic portfolios and online assessment management systems.
  7. ePortfolios as Digital Stories of Learning ePortfolios as Digital Stories of Learning
    This 2004 paper provides the a summary of assessment of and for learning, portfolios that support assessment for learning, and technologies that engage learners in the portfolio development process: digital storytelling, blogs and wikis.
  8. Portfolios at the Crossroads - Book Proposal Portfolios at the Crossroads - Book Proposal
    I developed a book proposal with Joanne Carney to address Portfolios at the Crossroads: the impact of high stakes accountability and emerging technologies on the portfolio in education.
  9. Technology-Supported Portfolio Assessment Technology-Supported Portfolio Assessment
    This was my first publication on Electronic Portfolios, published in The Computing Teacher, March, 1994. Reprinted in Student Portfolios: A Collection of Articles edited by Robin Fogarty (1996). Palatine, Illinois: IRI/Skylight Training & Publishing, Inc., pp. 127-137.
  10. White Paper: White Paper:
    Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner Engagement. This 2005 paper was written for TaskStream to cover the literature for the REFLECT Initiative, a research project on implementing electronic portfolios in secondary schools.

My best handouts

Below are links to some of my best handouts, that clearly show my thinking on electronic portfolios over the last five years.
File Attachments:
  1. 5x5 Model of Electronic Portfolio 5x5 Model of Electronic Portfolio
    (2000) This table represents both my 5 stages of electronic portfolio development along with the five levels of common desktop tools, based on "ease-of-use" -- my "zone of proximal development" for electronic portfolios
  2. Assessment Systems and Portfolios: Assessment Systems and Portfolios:
    Balancing Accountability with Learning (2004) A graphical representation of the process that balances accountability systems with portfolios to support deep learning
  3. Linking Two Dynamic Processes Linking Two Dynamic Processes
    - to Support Deep Learning (2004) This graphical organizer shows the linkages between electronic portfolios and digital storytelling
Author: Helen Barrett
Last modified: 4/10/2007 8:36 AM (EDT)