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Matter & Energy
Huatulcosunrise.jpg Atoms. Matter & Energy
Utah State Core Curriculum Standard I-
Matter - Students will understand the structure of matter.
File Attachments:
  1. Atom Structure Atom Structure handout
  2. Atoms are small Atoms are small
    Atoms are far too small to see. Worksheet to use for atoms assignment.
  3. Density Density
    PDF worksheet for thinking fountain and teachersdomain assignments.
  4. Density Density
    WORD DOC - worksheet for density assignment at thinking fountain and teachersdomain.
  5. Density Notes Density Notes
  6. Liquid, solid, gas Liquid, solid, gas
    Sciber text tutorial is found at the Utah State Office of Education website. Courtesy of Mr. D.
  7. Little atomic quiz Little atomic quiz
    Quiz on atoms and the scientific method, observations and inferences. Courtesy of Mr. D.
  8. Matter Matter
    Worksheet on matter. Courtesy of Mr. D.
  9. Matter Quiz Matter Quiz
  10. Matter Terms Review Matter Terms Review
  11. Matter Vocabulary Matter Vocabulary
  12. Particle motion Particle motion
    Motion of particles. Courtesy of Mr. D.
  13. States of matter States of matter
    States of matter worksheet. Courtesy of Mr. D.
  14. Structure of matter Structure of matter
    Structure of matter worksheet. Courtesy of Mr. D.
  15. Temperature & motion Temperature & motion
    Temperature & motion worksheet. Courtesy of Mr. D.
Author: Janet Bates
Last modified: 7/7/2019 11:06 AM (EDT)