Journey through Japan 2015

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Personal Goals

For me personally, I just really wanted this experience and to have this opportunity. I wanted to experience a vastly different culture from halfway across the world because I found it so interesting! It’s really hard for me to be really specific about my personal goals, but I will try my best. First and foremost, I want to take something away from this trip. I want to see new sides of myself, discover new interests and goals, and see the world a bit differently. I want to see how this will affect me as a person. I’ve wanted this for so many years, even through high school I wanted to try an exchange program. Unfortunately, I couldn’t afford it, so when I discovered the program through IUPUI, I was ecstatic. I knew I had to do this. So this trip fulfills that goal of just going to Japan. Not only that, but I wanted to meet other international students. I knew I would love to make friends in connection with other countries to learn more. They have so many different types of personalities. I’m happy just being able to experience something so unique.

Academically, this helps in both of my majors: the Japanese major is centered on the courses taken at Hakuoh University and the International Studies requires a study abroad experience. Of course, it’s not just about the study abroad requirement by itself, but the international involvement and knowledge gained that will benefit myself.  For the Japanese major, I need enough credits to complete the core of the major and a couple courses will also double count to the International studies one. So at Hakuoh University, I will take 8 classes during first semester and 7 during the second semester. The courses here usually have about 2 credit hours instead of 3. I’m not sure if the grading scale is different in Japan, but my goal is to end all my courses with, at least, the equivalency of a B in America. Also, with the classes all being taught in Japanese, I plan to greatly improve my language skills. I will study hard!

Finally, for my professional goals, I don’t have very specific professional goals. I still am unsure of a specific job I want in the future with my degrees, but I know some qualities that I would like. I definitely want to be able to travel. It doesn’t have to be very frequently, I’d love the opportunities to explore the world. Since I am studying in Japan for a while, I might even be able to make connections and friends that will keep me connected to this country for me to have the ability to return in the future. I don’t know specifically what I’d do, but I could find a job that allows me to work with Japan in some way. I would love that opportunity. This program will help me gain more knowledge on the inner workings of the Japanese society, such as government, history, and lifestyle. It’s really hard for me to have specific professional goals because of the unknown future. I like to wait and see what may come along, wait for that moment when I think, ‘Now, this is something I think I’d really enjoy.’ I will see what the future holds for me and go from there.

Author: Kelcie Benson
Last modified: 5/19/2016 1:26 PM (EDT)