Brittany's Performance Framework final

Home > Domain A: Planning & Preparing for Student Learning

Domain A: Planning & Preparing for Student Learning

Notepad (Lg.) The Penn State teacher plans instruction and assessments based upon robust knowledge of subject matter, students and their learning and development, curriculum goals and standards, and the community.

A1. Demonstrating subject matter knowledge and PCK

The teacher demonstrates an understanding of subject matter and subject-specific pedagogy during planning.
File Attachments:
  1. Cockroach Lesson Plan Cockroach Lesson Plan
    This lesson plan entails a procedure that required me to provide my students with background knowledge. While planning for this lesson, I had to determine their exsiting knowledge as well as what they needed to know in order to conduct the experiments and gain the most from this investigation. For this lesson, I provided students with knowledge on cockroaches by reading an informational book to them. Then I worked with the students to define "pest." Next, I had to introduce the term, "Integrated Pest Management" and explain what it meant. The class then worked with the term "barrier" and came up with a definition for it. Furthermore, I introduced three types of barriers: physical, biological, and non-toxic chemicals. Each of these were explained and defined. All this background knowledge needed to be provided and discussed with the students in order for them to take away the most from this investigation.
  2. Science Teaching Content Knowledge Science Teaching Content Knowledge
    The background research that I did for drag and my 3-day science teaching demonstrates that I have an understanding for what I am teaching. The experiments listed are an example of my understanding of how to teach this topic to students.

A2. Using learning principles to understand children

The teacher uses principles of learning and development, and understanding of learners and learner diversity during planning of instruction and assessment.
File Attachments:
  1. Differentiated Instruction Differentiated Instruction
    These differentiated instruction sections of various lesson plans demonstrate my ability to understand children and learner diversity. They show how I plan for diversity in instruction through the creation of lesson plans.
  2. Science Concept Interview Paper Science Concept Interview Paper
    This paper demonstrates my ability to use learning and devlopment when planning and implementing lessons because of the pre-interviews performed. These helped me to plan instruction that would cater to the students' needs because I had an idea of what they already knew beforehand.

A3. Using contextual factors in planning

The teacher uses relevant community, district, school, and classroom factors and characteristics in planning.
File Attachments:
  1. CLE Plan-Physical Environment CLE Plan-Physical Environment
    The physical environment rationale part of this paper demonstrates how I use school and classroom factors and characteristics in planning. When setting up my classroom, I had to take in to account all the different features and aspects of the school and of the room itself.

A4. Developing appropriate instructional goals

The teacher develops and selects appropriate instructional goals and objectives.
File Attachments:
  1. Lesson Objectives/Learning Outcomes Lesson Objectives/Learning Outcomes
    These objectives from a variety of language arts, math and science lessons demonstrate my ability to develop instructional goals that are appropriate for my students developmental level. These objectives show that I understand my students and what to expect of them at an appropriate level.
  2. MESS Objectives MESS Objectives
    The objectives that I created for my MESS projects demonstrates my ability to develop appropriate instructional goals because I made them devlomentally appropriate and designed to build off the instruction.

A5. Designing coherent learning opportunities

The teacher designs coherent short range and long range opportunities for student learning and assessment.
File Attachments:
  1. CI 495 Journal-Re-teaching CI 495 Journal-Re-teaching
    This journal demonstrates how I have designed short range opportunities for student learning and assessment by describing the ways I changed my lesson when re-teaching drag in another third grade class. By re-teaching I had the opportunity to create even more short range learning experiences that allowed the students to take more from the lesson.
  2. Math Assessment Math Assessment
    This is a math assessment that I gave the students. It was graded on a 4 point scale. This demonstrates my ability to provide short and long range opportunities for student assessment. The students were instructed to work individually and do their best work not only because it was going to be graded but also shared at conferences.
  3. Science Assessment Science Assessment
  4. Science Assessment Science Assessment
  5. Science Assessment Science Assessment
    These three science assessments demonstrate my ability to design short range opportunities for student assessment. Through these assessments I was able to see how students were understanding the topics and if they could apply them when asked to do so. These served as a form of assessment for my inquiry project but also to reflect upon my own teaching.
  6. Word Study Word Study
  7. Word Study Word Study
    These word study packets are graded every week in order to gage students' progess in writing and spelling. This is an example of my ability to provide long range opportunities for assessment.

A6. Instructional resources

The teacher selects, adapts, and/or creates appropriate instructional resources and materials, including instructional technologies.
File Attachments:
  1. Kidspiration concept webs Kidspiration concept webs
  2. Kidspiration concept webs Kidspiration concept webs
  3. Kidspiration concept webs Kidspiration concept webs
    These are examples of the concept webs my students created based on a book about Nigeria. They used Kidspiration software to create the maps. Each group was to web a certain part of Nigeria: land and climate, food, schools, work, etc. This shows my ability to incorporate technology and to support learning through technological means.
  4. Virtual Field Trip-Facilitative Guide Virtual Field Trip-Facilitative Guide
    This virtual field trip that I created demonstrates my ability to incorporate technology into instruction and create instructional resources and materials. It shows this because the students are interacting with the internet via computers. This is a resource the children can use to learn additional information on a topic of study.
Web Links:
  1. Room 3 Science Podcasts Room 3 Science Podcasts
    This website is home to the four podcasts made my students this year. Each podcasts discusses various science topics the students have learned about in the classroom. Groups of four created the podcasts. These podcasts demonstrate my ability to create instructional resources and materials because I used them as a way to deepen students' understanding of science concepts. These podcasts were viewed by peers after regular classroom instruction and reinforced their learning.

A7. Preparing an appropriate learning environment

The teacher plans for an inclusive, nurturing, stimulating, and academically challenging learning environment.
File Attachments:
  1. CLE Plan-Community Building CLE Plan-Community Building
    The community building section of my CLE plan shows how I plan for a inclusive, nurturing, stimulating and academically challenging learning environment. The community building activties that I plan to do will promote social interaction and peer-to-peer cooperation which creates a favorable learning environment.
  1. Electrical Circuits/Batteries Electrical Circuits/Batteries
    The lesson sequence and procedures section of this lesson plan demonstrate my ability to plan for a stimulating and academically challenging learning environment. It shows my ability to plan for activities that will challenge and engage my students.

Domain A Reflection

I feel that I have done a lot of assignments and other activities last semester that help me to fulfill all of the sub-domains in this category. Being able to create projects and lesson plans as well as integrate technology and other resources into my planning and preparation has allowed me implement tasks that are developmentally appropriate. I have had to take in to consideration the various ways my students learn while also having a strong background on the subject matter. I believe that because of the continued planning and preparation I have been doing this semester, I am able to provide even more concrete examples of each of these sub-domains. I have multiple examples of clear and appropriate objectives, differentiated instruction, and the use of technology that all support this domain.

Author: Brittany Bird
Last modified: 5/9/2007 4:30 AM (EDT)