Home > JTPA Titles (Programs)
Title I
Describes coordination among state and local governments and the business community.
Title II
Outlines requirements for state and local operations of adult and youth programs for the economically disadvantaged.
Title II-A
Authorizes training and services for adults who are economically disadvantaged and/or have significant barriers to employment.
Training is afforded through grants to states for local training and employment programs.
Program services: needs/abilities assessment, strategy of services (e.g. classroom training, OJT, job search assistance, work experience, etc.).
Title II-B
Offers economically disadvantaged youth jobs and training during the summer.
Includes basic and remedial education, work experience programs, and support services.
Title II-C
Provides year-round training and employment programs for youth, both in and out of school.
Authorized adult services, limited internships, school-to-work transition services, alternative high school services.
Title III
Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act.
Layoffs, plant closings.
Services offered: early intervention programs, occupational skill training, job search assistance, support services, relocation assistance.
Michelle Blunk
Last modified:
11/1/2010 5:30 PM (EST)