Danah Browns Presentation Portfolio

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Instruction strategies

Standard 8

Indicators: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


Indicator 1 - Assessments in Reading content section

Indicator 2 - Multi Text study in Reading content section and write from the beginning lessons attached below

Indicator 3 - Multi text study in reading content section and write from the beginning lessons attached below

Indicator 4 - reading circle in student teaching

Indicator 5  - library and story time in student teaching

Indicator 6 - teaching by using correct gram mer and speech and by teaching language arts.


Context - The indicators were met through many different lesson nd methods of teaching this is a standard built into everyday teaching and is hard to show with artifacts.

Impact/ alignment - Daily use of correct langauge and of teaching language and reading will always have an impact on student learning in some way and I hope I just that using these tools in the classroom and when socially interacting with students and peers.

Author: Danah Brown
Last modified: 4/10/2006 10:02 AM (EDT)