Danah Browns Presentation Portfolio

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Table of Contents

Standard 1

Rationale in Reading-Literacy for Learning content section 


Indicators 1 & 2 - reading assessments

Indicators 3, 4, 5 - multi text study

Indicators 6 - Social Studies unit of instruction (under curriculum and instruction section)

Standard 2

Rationale in Math content section


Indicator 2 - Measurement Unit

Indicator 3 - Shapes and Patterns Lesson

Indicator 4 - Math Lesson for internship

Standard 3

Rationale in Science content section


Indicator 1 - science notebook GS4401 and animals unit from student teaching

Indicator 2 - science notebook from GS4401 and measurment unit (found in math content section)

Indicator 3 & 4 - Five E lesson plan

Standard 4

Rationale in Social Studies content section - under standard 4 checklist


Indicators 2 & 3 - Exam 1

Indicator 5 - Calendar of National Traditions

Indicator 7, 9 & 10 - Fritzer reading quiz

Indicator 8 - timeline

Indicator 11 - Literature paper on character development

Service Learning Project - covers community section of standard 4

Standard 5

Rationale in Health content section


Indicators 1 & 2 - Health Resource Packet

Standard 6

Rationale in Arts content section


Indicators 1 & 2 - Music Lesson Plan taught at Montessouri School

Standard 7

Rationale in Curriculum and Instruction content section

Artifacts: Social Studies Unit - People of NC

Indicator 1  - 4th grade curriculum was followed when designing the unit.

Indicator 2  - all subjects except health were integrated into the unit

Indicator 3 - knowledge of students before the unit was finished.

Indicator 4  - many different types of teaching tools were used and implemented in the unit.

Indicator 5, 6 & 7  different assessment tools were used in the unit

Standard 8

Rationale in Instruciton Strategies content section


Indicator 1 - reading assessment (in reading content section)

Indicator 2 & 3 - multi text study (in reading content section)

Indicator 4 - reading circle - student teaching

Indicator 5 - library and stroy time

Indicator 6 - student teaching

Standard 9

Rationale in Teaching and Learning content section


Indicators 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  - Measurement Unit, student teaching and Math lessons ( under math content section)

Standard 10

Rationale in Science content section

Artifact: Five E Lesson plan

Standard 11

Rationale in Curriculum and Instruction content section

Artifacts: Social Studies Unit - People of North Carolina

Indicator 1  -  group work within the unit and presentations

Indicator 2  -  Green Corn Ceremony performed in class

Indicator 3  -  science lesson on earth and rocks

Indicator 4  - pictograph lessons done throughout unit

Indicator 5 -  finding information on the computer about the seven Cherokee clans and doing a  presentation.

Standard 12

Rationale in Arts content section

Artifacts: Music lesson and student teaching

Standard 13

Rationale in Health content section

Standard 14

Rationale in Diversity content section

Artifacts: Hispanic Culture lesson & African Culture Lesson

details of each indicator in diversity content section

Indicator 1 - parent teacher meetings .

Indicator 2  - discussion

indicator 3 classroom management rules

Indicator 4  -  ESL, Title 1 , EC, etc.

Indicator 5 - classroom rules and management techniques

Indicator 6 teaching children about all different cultures

Standard 15

Rationale in Diversity content section

Artifact: student teaching

Standard 16

Rationale in Teaching content section

Artifact - student teaching


Indicator 1  - PTA program

Indicator 2, 3 & 4 -teacher workshops and faculty meetings

Indicator 5 - field trips and discipline

Indicator 6  - being observed

Indicator 7 -Commmunity Service

Indicator 8 - Methods courses

Indicator 9 - Mentors

Indicator 10 - student teaching

Detailed rationale and artifacts in content section

Standard 17

Rationale in Teaching content section


Indicator 1 & 2 - student teaching



Author: Danah Brown
Last modified: 4/10/2006 10:02 AM (EDT)