Danah Browns Presentation Portfolio

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professional development, leadership, extracurricular, etc.

Standard 16

Indicators 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,19

Standard 17

Indicators 1,2,3,4,5

Artifact: Student Teaching


Standard 16

Indicator 1  - was met through a PTA program I became involved in. The children had to learn a dance the Cha Cha Slide and perform it for the parents. I also coached girls basketball at the school I am student teaching at.

Indicator 2 - was met by teacher workshops and faculty meetings I had to attend every week during student teaching

Indicator 3 - was met through the PTA program, fundraisers we had, several parties in class for students birthdays and parent teacher meetings during report card time. All these occurred during student teaching.

Indicator 4 - One of the faculty meetings had each grade level to meet , view and discuss new text books for next year. The following week we had to go to central office and see the 2 top selections and pick the "winner".

Indicator 5 - Communication with administration happened for a field trip to see the movie "Curious Goerge" during student teaching and for some behavior problems in the classroom.

Indicator 6  - was met by 2 other Appalachian students, the principal and my supervisor observing me while I taught during student teaching.

Indicator 7 - I volunteered to work kindergarten screening and have helped out the after school program for the school I am student teaching at. I also did 40 hours community service during my schooling at ASU.

Indicator 8 - We did this during block I and II - by learning many methods of teaching.

Indicator 9 - By using my cooperating teachers in my internships and student teaching as mentors and friends.

Indicator 10 - During my student teaching we had a child evaluated for a learning disability per permission form he parents because he was showing many signs and now he has been placed in EC and is progression well.

Standard 17

Indicators 1,2,3,4,5 - All safety precautions are taken during any acitivty done in the classroom during student teaching and my internship. As a acting teacher I would model those behaviors tot he students. I would always give out all insturctions before beginning any lesson . The classroom rules were posted and gone over at the beginning of every week. If rules were not followed and the possibility of any type of harm was posed disciplinary action would be taken. I feel like the class was always watched over and kept safe.

Impact / alignment - The workshops and meetings aI feel like gave me the guidance to have a better impact on the students and to be a better teacher. Safety of course is always important to any teacher no one wants a student to be harmed at school. I always encourage activities ousdie of school for any student . Its good for them in most cases physically and mentally.


Author: Danah Brown
Last modified: 4/10/2006 10:02 AM (EDT)