Danah Browns Presentation Portfolio

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NC Standard 2 - Indicator 2,3,4


Indicator 4 - The 3 math lessons created, revised, rewritten, taught and reflected on, I did at Blue Ridge Elementary School during my internship. My professor and guide for lesson planning for Math CI4030 is Betty Dishman. The lessons were completed and taught by 11/22/05.

Indicator 3- Patterns lessons taught for my kindergarten class during student teaching. Sample attached below.

Indicator 2  - Measurement unit done during student teaching - attached below

 Impact: The math lessons were beneficial to the class because they had not covered graphs this year and it will be on the EOG. They really seemed to enjoy integrating the lessons in with other subjects and learning to use the computer to do graphs and data files. From the papers I have seen at the beginning and end of teaching about graphs the students really showed improvement. The many different types of data you can show with different graphs and the type of graph you should chose when showing data is another important thing the students learned during these lessons.

Alignment: NC Standard 2 - Indicator 4

NCSCOS - Grade 4

Math - Objectives
4.01     Collect, organize, analyze, and display data (including line graphs and bar graphs to solve problems.

4.02     Describe the distribution of data using median, range and mode.

Technology - Objective 
3.04 Enter data into prepared spreadsheets and select graph to best represent data and cite sources of data. (3)





Author: Danah Brown
Last modified: 4/10/2006 10:02 AM (EDT)