Danah Browns Presentation Portfolio

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Healthful Living

Standard 5

Indicators 1 & 2 are met with this resource packet and health taught in class in student teaching.

Standard 13   - The school I am at for student teaching has a fruit grant and the children get fruit everyday and cool info that we share as a class. We also talk about the food pyramid and exercise.


Context - These indicators are addressed through the Health resource packet made for 3rd grade teachers in my health class in Block II ( included  attachment) and they are also addressed in the lesson I taught on health eating habits in my student teaching.

Impact/ Alignment - We had to make a packet for a class of our choice. I chose 3rd grade and My main topic of discussion was asthma. Asthma is a major health issue that is common for many children; especially in this day and age. The packet also addresses how to live a healthier lifestyle and how to make better choices. It was used on my fourth grade class and I feel had a great impact on their knowledge of asthma and how to eat better.

File Attachments:
  1. Health Resource Packet Health Resource Packet
Author: Danah Brown
Last modified: 4/10/2006 10:02 AM (EDT)