Name: Classroom webpage
Content: I will be making a classroom webpage at the school I am interning for. The webpage will include pictures of the 4th grade class at Blue Ridge Elementary School. The webpage will include: a homework page and a website page for students, a page for parents, a calendar page, a homepage, a photo gallery and a media literacy section. This webpage will be made available to students, teachers and parents as a learning tool and for fun. For the homework page I used information from a DVD called Microsoft Student 2006. The homework tips I got from this DVD are great and are included as a guide for homework projects on the homework page. On the parent and student pages there are several very useful websites that can be used to do activities, get ideas for projects, play games and many other things.
Impact: This webpage is a great tool to use to introduce the parents to the classroom, yourself and the activities that are special to the class. It can be used to keep parents aware of special dates and events without having to call. It can also benefit the students by providing them tools to use for homework. The parents will appreciate that the websites recommended have been checked out by someone and are helpful in some way. The webpage can also be used as an incentive for students to do excellent work that could be put on the webpage for everyone to view.
Objective 3.02 Use databases to analyze and evaluate information in content areas and cite sources. Strand - Database.
II NETS - T B This artifact uses research as a learning tool by providing websites for research that students can use. It also provides homework tools children can use to do papers and presentations.( Microsoft Student 2006). As well as articles about media literacy issues such as the one discussed in the media literacy survey on fashion
II NETS - T C This artifact displays locating and evaluating resources in a couple of ways. The first is several websites have been listed and are easily reached by links. The second is that each website listed for parent and student use has been evaluated for content.
II NETS - T E This artifact shows plans for student learning by the homework and student site pages. These pages provide resources and ideas that will be used in the classroom to incorporate media into everyday learning and to do things as simple as research papers.
IV NETS - T B This survey was used to collect information from students about how the media affects the way the dress. After collecting the data we analyzed and talked about it. With the information on this page the information collected will be communicated and would be a great prompt for further discussion and writing. The websites listed I used for research. This survey was done as a group, but each individual researched different websites and a conclusion was drawn as a group.
V NETS T - A This artifact shows me using technology by providing and using websites that are helpful to parents and students. These sites have excellent lesson plans and activities for teachers too. These can impact student learning by providing resources and getting the parents involved in the teaching and learning process.