Standard 7
Indicators 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7
Standard 11
Indicators 1,2,3,4,5
Context-This unit of instruction was written and taught during my internship at Blue Ridge Elementary School in November and December of 2005. It was created as a project for the class CI4000 under the supervision of Dr Bercaw.
Impact -This unit was really alot of help to me I taught all 8 lessons and it ended up taking over 2 weeks to get them all in. I taught everyday and integrated several subjects. The ands on activities were so much fun I really learned alot about classroom management through the unit and I learned alot about the early people of NC as well. This was a great preparation for what we will have to do when teaching and it helps to do it first hand. Putting together a unit making everything connect. It all is important for successful learning experience for everyone.
Alignment - This unit helped to meet several NCSCOS in several areas of the 4th grade curriculum and taught me alot about how to tie things together when I teach. It meets all of the indicators in s
Standard 7 - Indicator 1 is met is met because the exact 4the grade curriculum was followed when designing the unit.
Indicator 2 was met by because all subjects except health were integrated into the unit - science, math, language arts.
indicator 3 was met because assessments were giving to find out the prior knowledge of students before the unit was finished.
indictor 4 was met because many different types of teaching tools were used and implemented in the unit.
indicator 5, 6 & 7 were met because several different assessment tools were used in the unit and lesson were modified when needed
Standard 11
Indicator 1 was met through group work within the unit and presentations they had to do.
Indicator 2 was met through the Green Corn Ceremony performed in class - a reenactment of the original with most components used.
Indicator 3 was met through the science lesson on earth and rocks incorporated into he lesson and the progression of the people through time activities - time lines.
Indicator 4 was met through the pictograph lessons done throughout with pictures of Indian artifacts or foods used in the graphs.
Indicator 5 - When the students were ask in the lessons to find information on the computer about the seven Cherokee clans and do presentation.
Language Arts
1.05 Use word reference materials (e.g., glossary, dictionary, thesaurus) to identify and comprehend unknown words.
1.06 Read independently daily from self-selected materials (consistent with the student's independent reading level) to:
2.05 Make inferences, draw conclusions, make generalizations, and support by referencing the text.
3.05 Analyze and integrate information from one or more sources to expand understanding of text including graphs, charts, and/or maps.
3.06 Conduct research for assigned projects or self-selected projects (with assistance) from a variety of sources through the use of technological and informal tools (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people, libraries, databases, computer networks).
4.03 Make oral and written presentations using visual aids with an awareness
4.10 Use technology as a tool to gather, organize, and present information.
2.05 Use spreadsheets and graphs to organize, calculate, and display data in content areas. (3)
2.12 Plan, discuss, and use search strategies with two or more criteria to find information online about North Carolina as a class/group. (6)
3.05 Use spreadsheet data and graphs to make predictions, solve problems, and make decisions in content areas as a class/group. (3)
4.01 Collect, organize, analyze, and display data (including line graphs and bar graphs to solve problems.
4.02 Describe the distribution of data using median, range and mode.
4.03 Solve problems by comparing two sets of related data.
4.04 Design experiments and list all possible outcomes and probabilities for an event.
Social Studies
1.02 Describe and compare physical and cultural characteristics of the regions.
1.04 Evaluate ways the people of North Carolina used, modified, and adapted to the physical environment, past and present.
2.01 Locate and describe American Indians in North Carolina, past and present.
2.03 Describe the similarities and differences among people of North Carolina, past and present.
3.02 Identify people, symbols, events, and documents associated with North Carolina's history.
5.01 Explain different celebrated holidays, special days, and cultural traditions in North Carolina communities.
5.02 Describe traditional art music and craft forms in North Carolina.