Danah Browns Presentation Portfolio

Home > Arts


(music, art, theatre, dance)

Standard 6

Indicators 1 & 2

Standard 12


Context: These indicators were met in music 2021 and our teaching trip at a Montessouri school in Boone. The lesson we taught is attached below and meets the indicators listed.

Impact: The children loved the lesson; not only did they learn alot about a different culture they also got to make instruments and create music.

Alignment - During the lesson we taught the children music from he African culture. We had the children make rain sticks from scratch (art) and then they played they performed with their rain sticks to the Jambo and African hello song (music). I will do more lessons like this because it covers so many different aspects of the arts and its alot of fun. In student teaching we also used art in our kindergarten class for a center during center time and most activities were affiliated with lessons from the week or the seasons or holidays.

File Attachments:
  1. Lesson Plan for Music 2021 Lesson Plan for Music 2021
Author: Danah Brown
Last modified: 4/10/2006 10:02 AM (EDT)