Scott J. Buttliere

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Work Experience


Most people look at jobs and loathe the idea of having to go to work. I have always tried to live my life as if it were my last day. This has caused me to have some uncertainty of where I want to go in life, and what I want to do. If I have a dollar for everytime I was asked what I wanted to be when I grow up I would have enough money to never work again. For as many times as I have been asked, I have had a diferent response because I am alwways finding things that I am interested in. I usually make the most out of my work environment and try to have as much fun as possible while getting everything done quickly and efficiently. It believe that life has a plan for me, which is why I have been so hesitant to choose a career path, but I believe that everything happens for a reason and I know the right career for me will come up. I love having the routine of a job and look forward to working in what ever field I end up in. 

Author: Scott Buttliere
Last modified: 12/3/2013 10:16 AM (EDT)