My Loyola Experience

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Service Experience


Service is an essential component of a Loyola education as we seek to live out the values of our mission. How have you contributed to the greater good of the campus, local and global communities through service. Upload an artifact or evidence that demonstrates your active involvement in service, such as a one-time service project, long-term service at an agency, or organizing other programs to engage with the community service.

I have been lucky enough to be able to perform service throughout the entirety of my time at Loyola. During my sophomore year, I traveled to Nicargua with the organization Amigos for Christ. Following this amazing trip, I traveled to Panama with the organization Global Medical Brigades. After having another amazing experience, I decided to continue my passion for international service by traveling to Ghana (again with the organization Global Medical Brigades). After this trip, I was completely hooked, and I led the Global Medical Brigade trip to Ghana the following year!

Author: Kelly Cahalin
Last modified: 11/3/2014 7:26 AM (EDT)