My Loyola Experience

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Study Abroad/Immersion Program



Leading a Global Medical/Dental Brigade to Ghana this past August truly transformed my view of the world. I learned what it takes to lead a group of twenty-four students and one physician on a successful medical trip abroad. I learned how my own dedication and passion can empower me to succeed in any endeavor. And I learned that giving back to the global community leaves you with one of the most phenomenal feelings in the world.

The world is a lot smaller than it seems. We truly are all connected. In twenty hours, you can travel from Chicago, IL to Accra, Ghana. You can leave one bustling city to enter another bustling city on the other side of the world. You can see new faces, taste new foods, and travel new roads in the blink of an eye. And every single one of these experiences will change you as a person. You will learn who you are through traveling and meeting new people. You will grow most when you are forced out of your comfort zone. And you will leave pieces of your heart scattered around the globe.

Traveling is a wonderful thing. A beautiful opportunity. And one that might just teach you more than any book or class.

Author: Kelly Cahalin
Last modified: 11/3/2014 7:26 AM (EDT)