Teacher Cadet 2012

Home > Indicator 12b

Indicator 12b

12b. The program’s best practices are shared proactively and made available for duplication and adaptation in other settings.

Artifact 87 - document presentations about program for other groups

Presentations about the Teacher Cadet program and Future Educators Association (FEA) are made throughout the year.  These presentations focus on promoting the program and recruiting internship sites or future classes.  This year we are also hosting a community Chalk Walk to promote education and honor teachers which will also be a scholarship fundraiser for a future teacher.




      Back-to-School Night         

Presentation to parents about program, dual enrollment and FEA


      Mentor information meeting

Meet with prospective Teacher Cadet mentors for first internship to explain program and answer questions – Flyer attached


      Touch Base

Parent conferences

      FEA and FEA Honor Society Banquet     

Initiation of members; families attend


      FEA Energy Day    

Jerry Katz aka Mr. Energy and representatives from four automobile dealerships helped with FEA’s Car Talk and Car Walk about energy efficient cars


      Elective Commercial on TV 

Teacher Cadet commercial attached

      Counselors Meeting

Director of Students Services, high school and middle school counselors – electives speak to them about FACS programs and special considerations when enrolling students; Flyers to counselors

      Flyers in FACS classrooms 

Flyers attached

      Talk to classes about next year

Handout attached


      Touch Base

Parent conferences


      Counselors speak to Teach Cadet   

Cameo appearance sharing their career path

      Mentor information meeting

Meet with prospective Teacher Cadet mentors for second internship to explain program and answer questions


      Touch Base

Parent conferences

      Chalk Walk 

Community event to promote education, honor teachers and fund a future teacher scholarship; business partners are contributing too


      FEA and FEA Honor Society Banquet

Award program; families attend






Artifact 88 - 1-page narrative about best practices of program

The Best Practices in the Teacher Cadet Program are people, places and things.  Teaching is more than a job; it’s a passion.  Learning is more than a task; it’s a responsibility. 

The people in Teacher Cadet provide the learning opportunity.  They are the instructor, mentors, interns and students.  Their relationships are crucial to the success of the program.  Mutual respect is essential.

  • The teacher sets the tone and works with the students; the guide on the side.  A teacher needs to be organized, knowledgeable, and able to motivate the students.  Teaching involves communicating and listening.  Know the students, be patient and demonstrate a genuine interest in their well being.
  • The mentor provides the internship experience.  The course wouldn’t be the same without practical, hands-on experiences.  A mentor is a role model who welcomes an intern into the classroom.  This program is a win, win, win situation – the students learn, the intern learns, and the mentor receives extra help for the students. 
  • The intern needs to be prepared and ready to learn.  Stay alert and be an active listener.  Take notes, ask questions and stay focused.  Rapport is important – between teacher and student, student and student, intern and mentor, and intern and student.

The places in and outside the Teacher Cadet classroom provide the learning environment. 

  • The teacher needs to create a warm, inviting classroom.  Desks/tables should be arranged for optimum learning.  Bulletin boards and walls must be bright, attractive and informative.  The room and surfaces need to be clean.  The Teacher Cadet instructor also finds appropriate internship sites.  This takes time and should be arranged well in advance.
  • The student needs to respect the room, equipment and supplies.  The student needs to show initiative while at their internship; find something to do when there are a few extra minutes.  There is always one more task to complete in a classroom.

The things in and outside the Teacher Cadet classroom provide the learning foundation.

  • The teacher provides instruction.  Presentations and assignments should be authentic and include active learning.  Technology needs to be incorporated regularly.  Students are tech savvy and their energy needs to be channeled.  Technology is more than PowerPoint; lessons need to include Publisher, MovieMaker, Webquests, and online interactive activities such as Discussion Board, Wikis, Blogs and, the latest, Google Docs.   Internet research brings the world into the classroom.  Vary teaching strategies, offer choices, and get students involved.
  • The student needs to be prepared to learn.  Their responsibility includes: a positive attitude, organization; completing assignments/tasks to the best of their ability, and taking unfinished work home to complete.  Students are accountable for their education.

As my students learn from me, I also learn from them.  I strive to make a difference in their lives.  My goal is to inspire them to become productive citizens and lifelong learners. 

File Attachments:
  1. Best Practices Best Practices
Author: Beverly Card
Last modified: 12/10/2013 1:18 PM (EDT)