Graduation Portfolio

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5 E's Lesson Plan

Detecting Magnets

Context: The Five E's Lesson Plan was created in the second session of Block II during the summer of 2005 in GS 4401- Science Methods. The lesson plan was developed by Emily Dagenhardt and myself for Professor Gail Bastarache. The science lesson addresses the NC SCOS Science Competency Goal 3 for Grade Four. We used FOSS kits as well as instructional materials found in our classroom and on the Internet to develop this lesson plan.

Impact: This lesson plan is to be used as an introduction to electricity and magnetism in the fourth grade. Through the use of an engagement and exploration activity as well as a few written and oral instructions, several of the various styles of learning are addressed including but not limited to visual, oral, written language, and bodily-kinesthetic. This lesson is a great way to engage students and begin the process of investigating electricity and magnetism.


NC DPI Standard 3:

  • Indicator 2 through the exploration of electricity and magnetism in the science lesson.

NC DPI Standard 10:

  • Standard 10 is met through the Five E’s approach of this lesson plan which includes active inquiry experiences by using various questioning skills and science processing skills such as predicting, inferring, analyzing, and synthesizing.



Author: Rebecca Church
Last modified: 11/9/2005 6:30 AM (EDT)