Kindergarten Newsletter 2013/2014

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Outdoor Education

This program taps into Teton Valley’s unique natural environment for outdoor adventure and teaches students about sportsmanship, teamwork, and various types of movement. We begin the year with a unit on team sports. K – 6th grade students explore the rules and skills for a variety of sports, while learning how to be a part of a team. When the snow begins to fall, we do a unit on snow and ice. Students cross-country and downhill ski, snowshoe, ice skate, and learn about avalanche and snow safety.  In the spring, TVCS offers judo, movement (dance), and yoga. Hiking and biking are also included in the OE program at various times throughout the year.

May 30, 2014

Our final O.E.
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Today was wonderful weather for our last session of O.E. We played all of our favorite games we have learned throughout the year.

May 23, 2014


As the students in this class interacted during our activities and games today, it became so clear how much they have all grown as individuals and as a group! Endurance both socially and physically is measurably stronger, and the level of the group play is more complex and involved. We met as a class to select a favorite activity to contribute as part of the upcoming Field Day; reviewing rules and specifics so we can introduce it to the whole school!

May 16, 2014

No O.E. this week :)

May 9, 2014


Experiential learning outdoors in a wintry mix this morning! Black Bats played ‘Fish Gobbler’, ‘Steal the Fish’, ‘Ranger Tag’… Games that encourage leadership, exploration of levels and space, running, tagging, teamwork, thinking, formulation of strategy… As the class learns experientially components of this style of learning include:

-Participants are actively involved in learning

-Learning takes place in an environment of trust and safety.

-There is interaction among group members.

-There is constructive and supportive facilitation.

-Learning and knowledge comes from the individual, the group, the activities and the process.

May 2, 2014


A new game in O.E. today!  Bats played ‘King Kong’; a running and tagging game lending to each students creative side;  helicopters are buzzing and circling very closely to King Kong and must quickly flee when they hear ‘Kong!’  If tagged, they become helpers.  This fun game encourages leadership skills, risk-taking, and loco-motor skills.
We continued our focus on developing ball skills, dividing into teams and practicing defense and offense in soccer.

Author: Katie Cisco
Last modified: 6/6/2014 12:03 PM (EDT)