Kindergarten Newsletter 2013/2014

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December 20, 2013


Black Bats were busy for most of our class with a game called ‘Steal the Fish’. We played this once before at the beginning of the school year, and it was amazing to see the differences in how each individual understood and played the game today as compared to early September. These children have grown a lot! The group played at a much more complex level in regard to forming and implementing strategy, incorporating a team approach rather than a focus on self, and also exhibited increased endurance both physically and with attention levels.

December 13, 2013


Black Bats put a twist on the game –‘Red Lion’ and played ‘Red Rudolph’ instead! This game develops loco motor skills, helps develop leadership skills, and encourages risk taking. The class learned another game called –‘Man from mars’ that involves decision making and introduces strategy in a leadership role, also plenty of running!

December 6, 2013

A little cold weather doesn’t deter the mighty Black Bats!  We bundled up for some serious outdoor fun today.  Partner sledding provided a great opportunity for us to work together.  We played ‘Santa tag’ and throughout the play, grouped for quick discussion on how to make the game even better-  great practice for strategic thinking and for recognizing the value of each individual’s ideas.  In mid-January we will have a four week ice skating unit at the Kotler ice arena.  If your child does not have personal skates, the school most likely has a pair that will fit.  I fitted skates for those students who mentioned they do not have their own.

Author: Katie Cisco
Last modified: 6/6/2014 12:03 PM (EDT)