Kindergarten Newsletter 2013/2014

Home > Enrichments > Outdoor Education > November


Nov 22, 2013


Brrrrrr!!!! A cold morning for class, but this did not faze the mighty Black Bats!  We began class with an active sledding session, teaming up and helping friends up down and getting started.  Excitement over Thanksgiving led to a fun game of ‘Turkey tag’ and also ‘Mashed potato mashed potato turkey!’   WE completed class with a sensory awareness activity –‘stalking the leader’.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Nov 15, 2013

Tonia explains the rules of the game.
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The Kindergarten class learned a new game – ‘Fish Gobbler’.  This game involves listening, quick reactions, movement levels, and incorporates tag.  Very dynamic and kept us on our toes! There was a unanimous group decision to play the game ‘SPUD’ again; we are understanding the rules of play and applying them to the game better each time we play this.  Three varieties of the game of tag kept the group running running running!

Nov 8, 2013


Black Bats were off to a quick and speedy start running relays with a football today.  Students partnered up and practiced tossing and catching the football in close proximity as they ran the relay distance.   We also practiced tossing and catching beanbags at varying distances with our partners.

We gathered up and learned a new game – ‘Midnight’, a fun action and suspense game that provides opportunities for walking, running, changing, direction, stopping, and starting, practicing counting skills, learning leadership skills, and using imagination to enhance play.

Nov 1, 2013


Today in O.E. we warmed up with a great game of tag.  ‘It’ switched out quickly and kept us all on our toes!  Then we partnered up and focused on a fun and coordination improving skill - tossing and catching beanbags.  Black Bats were amazing today as they showed much improved listening as a group –we listened to a set of directives to understand the workings of a new game called ‘Spud’.  This game involves some memorization of roles, provides an opportunity to think about strategy, and keeps everyone running, catching and throwing a ball. 

Author: Katie Cisco
Last modified: 6/6/2014 12:03 PM (EDT)