Kindergarten Newsletter 2013/2014

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May 30, 2014


Does it Dissolve?? That was the question we explored this week during Science Fun. Armed with six cups of water and six cups of different solids, the Black Bats had to determine what solids dissolve in water and what do not. We already had some prior knowledge on common things that dissolve in water, but had some misconceptions, as well. After defining that dissolving can mean to disappear and become part of the water, we began our experiment. We made observations, recorded our data, and shared our findings with our friends - like true scientists!


May 23, 2014

Riley sorts food items according to shapes.
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We had a fun combination of science and math (and eating!) this week as we had the finale to our shape study. Kids were equipped with a mystery bag full of different shaped goodies. They had to sort and classify their tasty treats and decipher between 2-D and 3-D shapes. Such a fun hands on and interactive experience!

May 16, 2014

Black Bats debrief our findings.
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This week the weather cooperated with us and we headed outside on Tuesday to do some serious experimenting. We had a group discussion about the scientific question whether certain objects sink or float? We had a group conversation that things that are made of metal, or heavy objects typically sink, and lighter or hollow objects usually stay on top of the water. But then there is the unexplained concept of large ships being made of metal, yet they float? We set out in partners with a bag of mystery items. First we wrote the the name of our object, recorded our predictions, and then found our results.

May 9, 2014

Neenah shows off her "house."
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This week was our first session of "Science Fun" up pin classroom. Our coinciding study of 3-dimensional shapes was the perfect connection for us to explore and build structures with 2 types of materials. You guessed it! Marshmallows and toothpicks! We figured out quickly that more basic shapes were the strongest, and the higher you build, the less sturdy the creation became. It was fun. Our creations are on display in our classroom and will come home next week. With, or without the marshmallows.......

May 2, 2014

We hung our bird snacks on TVCS campus!
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On Tuesday the Black Bats made bird feeders out of popcorn. Since they are already experts on birds of the Teton Valley and on the human body and nutrition, their experiment was to see if some birds like to eat the same things they do. All the Black Bats decided that they really like popcorn, and now they're just waiting to see if birds of the Teton Valley like their bird feeders. They also made cards of some of their favorite birds of the Teton Valley so that the Mustangs, who are not quite so expert on birds, will have a good idea of what might come to the feeders.

April 25, 2014

Abby re-uses materials to create art.
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During Science Fun this Tuesday in honor of of Earth Day, we were presented with a vast array of colorful, small, and surprising materials that we could use to make art. These materials otherwise, would have found their way directly to the trash. It was a good reminder that we rarely need to BUY art supplies. Reusing materials provides the artist the ability to use his or her imagination to create an open-ended project, and throw less into the trash can!

April 20, 2014

A group explores the mixture of oil and water!
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This past Tuesday we learned about oil spills in our oceans and how they affect habitats. Using a pan of water and vegetable oil, we stimulated an ocean oil spill. The students got 3 different materials- a straw, twine and a paper towel to try and clean up the oil. They found it very frustrating to clean up and quickly learned that oil spills can wreak havoc on an ecosystem.

April 11, 2014


This week we learned about what owls eat and how they digest by dissecting owl pellets. The Black Bats were able to tell us a lot about owl pellets since many of them had done this activity before, but we still had a great time. We all found lots of bones and one of the groups was able to identify a large jaw bone

March 21, 2014

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This week we discussed paper and why it is important to recycle it.  Using magnifying glasses, the kids were able to see that paper is made up of many fibers.  Each child was then able to make their own sheet of recycled paper out of classroom paper scraps.  We discussed that each time paper is recycled, the fibers get shorter and it is harder to make a quality sheet of paper.  We therefore decided that while it is very important to recycle, it's also important to reduce our overall paper use whenever we can.

Author: Katie Cisco
Last modified: 6/6/2014 12:03 PM (EDT)