ePortfolios: International Project Search Conference in Minneapolis July 2011

ePortfolios: International Project Search Conference in Minneapolis July 2011

Welcome. This is a taskstream account that I am using to link documents used in the presentation in Minneapolis July 14, 2011. This information remains my intellectual property. Please ask before sharing this with others. Thanks.

File Attachments:
  1. ePortfolio in Transition PPT ePortfolio in Transition PPT
  2. Transition ePortfolio template Transition ePortfolio template
    This is a hyperlinked template that you can use for creating an ePortfolio. The individual should make it 'one of a kind' by adding pictures and changing the backgrounds and style.
  3. Word Document for ePortfolio ideas Word Document for ePortfolio ideas
Author: Dennis Cleary
Last modified: 7/12/2011 6:29 PM (EDT)