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All About Ghana

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Ghana, Africa is full of history that many are unaware of. It was settled by Africans and in 1482, the Europeans occupied it. Since the medieval times, gold has been exported. It supplied up to 10% of the gold imported to Europe. Since the 1990s, because of a resurgent mining industry, Ghana has become the second largest gold producer in Africa.

The population of Ghana is around 20 million, and 10 percent of those live in or around Accra, the capital city.

There are more than 70 languages and dialects spoken countrywide those popular ones being: Akan, Mole-Dagbani, Ewe and Ga. Twi is the most spoken Akan language while those along the coast, near the central region, speak Fante. Most of Ghana are Christians, about two-thirds, while others are Islamic or still practice traditional animist beliefs.

An interesting fact about Ghana is that it is considered a peaceful county. It is ranked 40 worldwide as the most peaceful county in the world and number one most peaceful country in Africa.

Ghana has many issues currently but is working to combat them. Regarding its economy, Ghana has recently improved through signing the Millennium Challenge Corporation Compact in 2006 and finding debt relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Country program in 2002. Ghana also signed a three-year Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility with the IMF in 2009. The goals of this were “to improve macroeconomic stability, private sector competitiveness, human resource development, and good governance and civic responsibility.” Since then the economy has grown and stability is an aim. Another issue within Ghana is its health.

Issues such as AIDS, HIV, child malnutrition, malaria, maternal health, and tuberculosis continue to be a major concern. In 2008, there were over 19,000 AIDS related deaths. Ghana is among one of the highest countries in the world with people who are living and died from HIV/AIDS. Recently Ghana has addressed problems such as extreme poverty and hunger and education, all relating to the Millennium Development Goals. One of their most serious issues, though, which remains high and even growing is maternal mortality. In the last decade expecting mothers have had worsening conditions.

Ghana also has insufficient healthcare infrastructure. They have been improving within the last 10 years but it is still inadequate, especially regarding Western standards. There is limited healthcare institutions and doctors in the country for how many people there are. The country often relies on religious groups to provide medical assistance. All of these issues need to be addressed but due to lack of funds, nothing drastic is able to be changed without the support of outside countries.






Author: Olivia Conti
Last modified: 12/4/2013 7:13 PM (EDT)