GSEHD Taskstream (TS) Student Support

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Glossary of Terms

CAEP: Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preperation

LAT: Learning Achievement Tools (used for e-Portfolios, online rubric scoring, assessment management, real-time reporting, accreditation)

AMS: Accountability Management System (used to support continuous improvement projects and manage accountability processes at a macro level.)

Area: this tool is used to organize and add content and categories to a portfolio 

Artifacts: The digital work product and/or resource that is added to a portfolio to provide evidence of competency in a defined area. Artifacts can be Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, Taskstream-created work, and any other electronic products that have been created by an author as part of their work requirements.

Author/Student: The author is someone who creates things within the structure of an existing DRF and submits them to reviewers and/or evaluators. In most cases, Author=Student.

Category: A defined area with a DRF that contains one or more requirements. Categories organize requirements into groups. Directed Response Folios (DRFs) can be evaluated at the requirement level or at the category level.

Cybrary: A shared digital resource library. You can access lessons, units, rubrics, web folios and web pages created by members of your learning community as well as some materials shared by Taskstream users from around the world. Some institutions require items to be approved by a designated person at the institution before they can be published to the Cybrary.

DRF: Direct Response Folio - an electronic portfolio structure in which requirements have already been set up to define submission requirements for all students. Students can submit but cannot change the structure.

DRF Programs: A group of users (students and faculty) into which one must be enrolled in order to access the correct DRF(s) for your academic program. Once enrolled, students can create/upload requirements to a DRF and submit them for evaluation, and faculty can then evaluate the submissions.

Evaluator/Faculty: The individual instructor(s) who evaluate the students' work, including key assignments, professional dispositions, forms, etc. Students must submit the work for evaluation through the DRF before an Evaluator can access it. Once submitted for evaluation, the work is locked, preventing the student from revising it. If revisions need to be made, the evaluator must send the work back to the author through the Taskstream evaluation process.

Folio: Also referred to as "Web Folio." Folios are collections of electronic artifacts that are gathered, organized and presented via the web. While the word portfolio has come to mean many different things to different people, Taskstream provides three types of Folio tools: (1) the Resource Folio; (2) the Presentation Portfolio; and, (3) the Directed Response Folio (DRF).

Mybrary: Your personal resource library. This contains access to all of the work you’ve done in Taskstream (web folios, web pages, lessons, units, rubrics) as well as all of the resource collections (web folios and web pages) shared by TS Coordinators in your learning community.

Requirement: A defined area within a DRF, where authors submit work. The requirement can be a task, an assignment, or a specified collection of artifacts. Directed Response Folios (DRFs) can be evaluated at the requirement level or at the category level.

Rubric: An explicit set of criteria used for assessing a particular type of work or performance. A rubric usually includes level of potential achievement for each criterion. Levels of achievement are often given numerical scores. A summary score for the work being assessed may be produced by adding the scores for each criterion. The rubric may also include space for the evaluator to describe the reasons for each judgment or to make suggestions for the author.

SSO: Single sign-on is a session/user authentication process that permits a user to enter one name and password in order to access multiple applications. The process authenticates the user for all the applications they have been given rights to and eliminates further prompts when they switch applications during a particular session.

Author: GSEHD TS Coordinator
Last modified: 6/21/2022 1:53 PM (EDT)