Electronic portfolio



     This artifact demonstrates that I assume profession responsibilities in a few ways. First this document shows my willingness to accept challenges as a teacher. As a beginning teacher, teaching a successful class with just your mentor teacher requires a lot of hard work, and takes some courage to be up in front of that many children. However, any teacher knows that teaching a class full of children is much easier than a classroom full of adults and peers, especially when two of the adults are expert teachers, and one of them even won a National Teacher of the Year Award. I did feel the pressure when my classroom was full of my peers, however I still took on the challenge and according to Dr. Nichols did it well.

     Second this artifact shows my willingness to accept partnerships with the community. Frostburg State University is the largest educational institution in our country and works with many of the Allegany County public schools. When Dr. Nichols asked if she could bring her class the mentor teacher and myself did not have to accept the request. We did accept the request because it would be a benefit to those at Frostburg State who wish to pursue a degree in education just like myself. It was only a few years ago that I was in those students shoes.

     This artifact demonstrates that I had a positive impact on the learning of my students because of many of the complements received in the note. Dr. Nichols has 18 years of classroom experience in social studies, as well as a doctoral degree in curriculum and instruction. Receiving outstanding remarks from a teacher with as much expertise that she has must translate into a positive lesson for the students.

     My professional development goals related to assuming professional responsibilities are very straight forward. One of my goals, no matter where I find a teaching position, is to work with aspiring teachers with the respect and effort that both of my mentor teachers showed me. I want to be able to give back to my community as those who have done so for me. When I am asked, I would enjoy the challenge of taking on my own intern teacher one day and serve as their mentor.

     Another one of my goals is to assist the school I find employment in, with athletics. Throughout my time in school, and in college, athletics is what motivated me to stay on top of my grades, stay on a the right path, and what taught me responsibility for myself. Extracurricular activities is something in my opinion that all students should participate in whether it is athletics, arts, or practicing their academics even more. My goal one day is to be the head coach of a high school boys lacrosse team.

Author: Chase Crislip
Last modified: 12/15/2014 8:01 AM (EDT)