Electronic portfolio



    Creating a powerful learning environment does not mean that one can simply show up, stand in front of students in a classroom, and lecture to students. To be an effective teacher, one has to encourage students to participate in their own learning and take part in all classroom activities. This challenge is hard to overcome if the teacher does the same thing everyday. It is important to use different methods of teaching in the classroom where appropriate, to try to reach as many students as possible. By having this variety of instruction, it allows students different opportunities to excel and also keep them interested in class. It is also important to allow students the opportunity to become responsible for their own learning. One of our main jobs as a teacher is to prepare students for colleges and careers. In the work place your supervisor will hold your hand and walk you through the things you are assigned. Our job as teachers is to ensure that we are teaching life skills to go along with content such as working in groups, responsibility and respect.

Author: Chase Crislip
Last modified: 12/15/2014 8:01 AM (EDT)