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     Designing coherent instruction is a skill that takes a lot of practice to improve on. Starting at my first internship, just coming up with a lesson plan that would cover the content and standards was challenging enough. But over the time at Fort Hill and Braddock I can see how my ability to make coherent lesson plans have improved. First the amount of standards covered in each lesson was increased. Second the number of engaging activities was increased within the lessons. At Fort Hill I began to notice that my lessons were also becoming more incorporated with what the students were expected to produce on their benchmark test.

     At Braddock, my lesson planning and instruction design really improved in regards of students with accommodation. Not only could I now create an assessment based, standard aligned, engaging activity, but I also learned how to differentiate instruction for students with accommodation as well as students who were producing above expectations.

Author: Chase Crislip
Last modified: 12/15/2014 8:01 AM (EDT)