Electronic portfolio

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North Africa/Southwest Asia Country Project

Computer Lab Research Project

     This artifact is an intern created activity that integrated students using technology in the class. The activity was completed by all class periods in November 2014. Students were expected to research an assigned country in our study region of North Africa and South West Asia.

     3d Using Assessment in Instruction- Not only did this lesson serve as way for students to show me how comfortable and skilled they were with a computer but it also allowed them to share their results using multiple means of expression.

     3c Engaging Students in Learning- Students could create a poster, essay, powerpoint presentation, or any other idea approved by the teacher. This allows students to be creative, and express their learning in different ways. While most students chose to do powerpoints, a number of students did create posters, and another group of students wrote a well developed essay.

    3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness-  In order for student with all ability levels to be successful at this projects, the teacher assigned the students countries based on the students ability, and the countries difficulty. For example students with accommodations received countries that would be easier to find research on such as Egypt, or Israel. Students who consistently work at a higher level received countries such as Bahrain or Yemen.


Author: Chase Crislip
Last modified: 12/15/2014 8:01 AM (EDT)