Electronic portfolio



     This artifact demonstrates the creation of a powerful learning environment in a few different ways. The first way in which a powerful learning environment is created is that the entire physical space of the classroom is being used for learning. The five pillars of Islam were posted around the room, one on each of the walls and one in the middle of the room table. Students used all of the space in the classroom and were up out of their seats, while still getting the required information that they would need for the test.

     A second way that a powerful learning environment is shown in this artifact is students were mixed in groups of students with different ability levels. This allows for groups of students to help each other in their learning. Students who consistently perform well were helping the other students in their groups without the prompting of the teacher. This is not only a benefit to the teacher and the students in need of extra help, but it is also a benefit for the students who are tutoring their fellow classmates. Students who can explain what they have learned, will reach a higher level of learning than just simply writing it down.

     Another way in which this activity created a powerful learning environment is that it taught the students responsibility. Once this book was completed all students were notified to bring it with them everyday to class. The students who were responsible were rewarded with the ability to use their notes on their test. Using their notes on the test allowed for more time for them to focus on sentence structure as well as, paragraphing and paraphrasing.

    This turned out to be a positive learning experience for the students because they average score on the essay portion of the test was higher than the usual. All the students who brought their book correctly answered the question, while many of them who brought them had written their essay with much better grammar, structure, and style than they have in the past.

     In terms of a long term goal in improving my ability to make my classroom a powerful learning environment, I want to learn ways to engage students with special needs better than I already know now. I would like to complete my masters degree in special education. Doing this will allow me to better serve all the students in my classroom including those who have special needs for learning.

Author: Chase Crislip
Last modified: 12/15/2014 8:01 AM (EDT)