Jeanie Cullip's Technology Portfolio Reflection

Home > Standard 4

Standard 4

Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.

Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.


In completing the Weebly for Education, the Online Teacher Tools Group Project, the Subject Matter Lesson Plan, the WebQuest with embedded Virtual Field Trip, and the Assistive Technology Case Study, I have met ISTE-T 4.a Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources. Throughout the website and WebQuest, I modeled safe, legal, and ethical use of digital technology, I respected copyright, intellectual property, and I used appropriate documentation of sources. During our Online Teacher Tools Group Project, I was a strong advocate for legal and ethical use of digital information and technology; as well as provided instruction to my fellow teacher candidate on how to document sources properly. In creation of the lesson plan, I included that students will understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. In the development of my presentation for both the Assistive Technology Case Study, I modeled good digital citizenship by properly citing the sources and photographs used. 

In completing the Website and Software/Application Evaluation with Integration Scenarios, the Subject Matter Lesson Plan, and the WebQuest with embedded Virtual Field Trip, I have met ISTE-T 4.b Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources. Through the Website and Software/Application Evaluation with Integration Scenarios, I will have the ability to better address the diverse needs of my future students using appropriate digital tools and resources found through my own research; as well as those gained by my fellow teacher candidates. In creating the Subject Matter Lesson Plan, I provided additional digital tools and resources to assist with the needs of Struggling Learners, English Language Learners, and Advance learners. In designing the WebQuest, I provided a variety of online resources which met the different needs of students through audio, visual, pictures, and print. 

In completing the Online Teacher Tools Group Project with Online Collaboration, I have met ISTE-T 4.c Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information. In preparation of the Group  Project, myself and my team members promoted digital etiquette by using Google Hangouts.

In completing the Online Teacher Tools Group Project with Online Collaboration and through connection of my PLN through Twitter, I have met ISTE-T 4.d Develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using digital age communication and collaboration tools. In the process of creating the Online Tools Group Project, I engaged with fellow teacher candidates using digital age communication and collaboration tools. During the course of my preparation in becoming a teacher, I have occasionally taken part of a Twitter education chat. This engagement includes those educators from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, which expands my understanding and global awareness using digital age communication and collaboration.  


  • WebsiteI have chosen to attach my Website in support of ISTE-T Standard 4 because it provides my ability in modeling good digital citizenship.
  • Online Teacher Tools Group Project: I have chosen to attach my Group Project in support of ISTE-T Standard 4 because it provides my ability in modeling good digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.
  • Subject Matter Lesson Plan: I have chosen to attach my Lesson Plan in support of ISTE-T Standard 4 because it shows my ability in teaching students to become good digital citizens.
  • WebQuest with embedded Virtual Field Trip: I have chosen to attach my WebQuest in support of ISTE-T Standard 4 because it shows my ability in providing lessons to fit the needs of diverse learners. 
  • Assistive Technology Case Study: I have chosen to attach my Assistive Technology Case Study in support of ISTE-T Standard 4 because it provides my ability to properly cite images and resources.
  • Website and Software/Application Evaluation with Integration Scenarios: I have chosen to attach my Website and Application Evaluation in support of ISTE-T Standard 4 because it provides the knowledge I have in a variety of resources to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • Connection of my PLN through Twitter: I have chosen to attach my Twitter PLN connection in support of ISTE-T Standard 4 because it provides my connection of cultural diversity and global awareness through online communication and collaboration.

Next ISTE-T Standard 5

File Attachments:
  1. Cullip_AppEvaluation.docx Cullip_AppEvaluation.docx
    Application Evaluation
  2. Cullip_Assistive Technology Case Study 2.pptx Cullip_Assistive Technology Case Study 2.pptx
    Assistive Technology Case Study
  3. Cullip_LessonPlan.docx Cullip_LessonPlan.docx
    Subject Matter Lesson Plan
  4. Cullip_OnlineToolsGroupProjectReflection.docx Cullip_OnlineToolsGroupProjectReflection.docx
    Online Tools Group Project
  5. Cullip_WebsiteEvaluation.docx Cullip_WebsiteEvaluation.docx
    Website Evaluation
Author: Jeanie Cullip
Last modified: 5/3/2017 7:43 PM (EDT)