Jeanie Cullip's Technology Portfolio Reflection

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Standard 2

Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments.

Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the Standards•S.


In completing the Subject Matter Lesson Plan and the WebQuest with embedded Virtual Field Trip, I have met ISTE-T 2.a Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity. The lesson plan I created, is a purposeful learning experience that incorporates the website, Write About which promotes student learning and creativity. In addition, students will be able to choose a writing topic of their choice based on the guidelines provided. In the WebQuest I designed, I provide a variety of online resources for students to access historical primary documents from the internet.

In completing the Subject Matter Lesson Plan and the WebQuest with Virtual Field Trip, I have nearly met ISTE-T 2.b Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress. In the lesson I created, students are given an option to the topic of choice they wish to write about on a technology-enriched environment. In the WebQuest I designed, I allow the students to choose some of the documents they would like to complete further research.
In meeting this standard, I will need to be able to provide more student options, allow them to set their own goals, give them the ability to manage their learning, and provide opportunities in assessing their own progress.

In completing the Website and Software/Application Evaluation with Integration Scenarios and the Subject Matter Lesson Plan, I have met ISTE-T 2.c Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources. Being able to allow students to use a variety of tools to enhance their education by removing barriers to learning is extremely important in today's classroom. Through the Website and Software/Application Evaluation with Integration Scenarios, I found a variety of digital tools for students to use addressing students diverse learning styles, working strategies, and their abilities. In addition, I have other resources made available to me by my fellow teacher candidates. Through the Subject Matter Lesson Plan I created, students have the opportunity to share with their audience of choice. 

In completing the Subject Matter Lesson Plan and the Data Analysis Project, I have met ISTE-T 2.d Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards, and use the resulting data to inform learning and teaching. In the Lesson Plan I created, I can assess if each of the students met the learning objectives based on the evidence of understanding they present. I also provided both formative and summative assessments to inform learning and assist with my teaching. Through the Data Analysis Project, I was able to use the summative assessment resulting data to be informed of the learning taking place in the classroom and reflect on my teaching. Giving me an opportunity to evaluate the hypothetical situation I created and create a better plan for another time. 



  • Subject Matter Lesson Plan: I have chosen to attach my Lesson Plan in support of ISTE-T Standard 2 because it provides my ability to design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating digital tools to maximize content learning.
  • WebQuest with embedded Virtual Field TripI have chosen to attach my WebQuest in support of ISTE-T Standard 2 because it provides my ability to create a student centered learning experience.
  • Website and Software/Application Evaluation with Integration ScenariosI have chosen to attach my Website and Software/Application Evaluation in support of ISTE-T Standard 2 because it provides my knowledge in meeting diverse learning styles.
  • Data Analysis Project: I have chosen to attach my Data Analysis in support of ISTE-T Standard 2 because it shows my ability to assess students using resulting data.

Next ISTE-T Standard 3

File Attachments:
  1. Cullip_AppEvaluation.docx Cullip_AppEvaluation.docx
    Application Evaluation
  2. Cullip_Data Analysis Case Study.docx Cullip_Data Analysis Case Study.docx
    Data Analysis
  3. Cullip_LessonPlan.docx Cullip_LessonPlan.docx
    Subject Matter Lesson Plan
  4. Cullip_WebQuestReflection.docx Cullip_WebQuestReflection.docx
  5. Cullip_WebsiteEvaluation.docx Cullip_WebsiteEvaluation.docx
    Website Evaluation
Author: Jeanie Cullip
Last modified: 5/3/2017 7:43 PM (EDT)