Curriculum in Higher Education

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Cultural Competence

As part of our praxis in curriculum development, we inherited the opportunity to work with Marquette University's Center for Teaching and Learning. In groups, my peers and I generated curricular modules rooted in course readings and that reflected the framework of Marquette's current online modules. We created modules focused around the development of cultural competence that professors would use in their service-learning courses to help their students critically reflect on their experiences at service sites. We created modules for pre-service, mid-service, and post-service reflections.

In each module, we created prompts for discussion boards, essays, blogs, and multimedia responses. Our modules included overviews, resources that would help students define and understand the meaning of cultural competence, and rubrics for each type of response.


Author: Allison Davis
Last modified: 4/28/2015 1:51 PM (EDT)