Our Vision:
Through collaborative efforts, the Dryden Elementary School student/parent/faculty/staff partnership will strive to provide a positive, safe, child-centered learning environment conducive to each child’s development, both academically and socially, with an emphasis on life-long learning.
Our Mission:
The mission of Dryden Elementary is to understand and meet student needs, to maximize student achievement, and to enable life-long learning.
Our Beliefs:
1. All students have the ability to learn.
2. Student learning is the chief priority for our school.
3. Shared responsibility for learning among students, parents, teachers and administrators is critical to students’ success.
4. A safe and comfortable learning environment promotes student learning.
5. Students learn in different ways. The curriculum and instructional practices of our school should incorporate a variety of learning strategies and activities to support different learning styles.
6. Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs.
7. A strong home/school connection is imperative for quality student achievement.