ED526/Lab Safety Practices and Harmful Chemical Effects on the Human Body/Bodi

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Students will be able to (SWBAT):

  • describe the Right-to-Know Law
  • access and interpret information on chemicals (MSDSs) 
  • be familiar with lab safety rules and procedures
  • respond appropriately during accidents
    • cuts 
    • ​broken glassware
    • chemical spills
    • fire
    • explosions
    • exposure to chemicals
  • ​list various ways that chemicals can enter and exit the human body
  • be familiar with common harmful effects of chemicals on the human body

Note:  Although it is important to know what could possibly happen to a person physically upon improper exposure to a chemical, it is MORE BENEFICIAL to know how to prevent accidents and know what to do in the case of an accident.  This precautionary principle of prevention is the underlying idea of an innovative, new approach to science called

GREEN CHEMISTRY  (<----  clickable link for more information)



  • Students will read and sign the lab safety contract
  • Students will answer the safety worksheet with at least 80% accuracy 
  • Students will list 4 routes of chemical exposure
  • Students will list 5 illnesses and/or harms that can occur to the human body

If you successfully complete your tasks, you will have met these New Hampshire High School Science Curriculum Standards: 

S:SPS1:11:3.1 Select and use apparatus and material safely.

S:LS4:11:3.1 Describe how the length and quality of human life are influenced by many factors, including sanitation, diet, medical care, gender, genes, and environmental conditions and personal health behaviors.


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Author: Raksmey Derival
Last modified: 10/16/2012 8:07 AM (EDT)