ED526/Lab Safety Practices and Harmful Chemical Effects on the Human Body/Bodi

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Safety is a very important topic in science.  There are more opportunities for harm to occur in a science class than in a non-science class because of the nature of the work done in science classes.  You will be doing lab experiments that require you to be familiar with proper use and handling of chemicals.  It is very important that students receive training on proper safety protocols before even entering the lab.  In addition to learning proper lab safety procedures, you also learned about common potential harmful effects on the human body.  You will see that harm may be local, such as a chemical burn to the hand.  You will also learn that chemicals can enter the body, and travel to a different part of the body, and affect a part of the body that was not close to the entrance point into the body.  


As you saw, there is a lot of information to learn.  As long as you follow the safety rules outlined in the safety contract to the best of your ability, know how to locate and read chemicals' MSDSs, know the proper student response in the event of an accident or emergency, and notify the instructor of ANY accident or incident (regardless of how minor or unimportant you think it is), you will be in the best position to keep yourself and your peers safe.


Further Investigation:

There are several common safety lab equipment found in labs, including an eye wash station, shower, fire extinguisher, and fire blanket.  This video will give you a brief overview of how to use these equipment.  It will also introduce you to basic lab equipment, such as glassware and tools. 


Author: Raksmey Derival
Last modified: 10/16/2012 8:07 AM (EDT)