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Notes from Mrs. Ard



 "You're off to great places. Today is your day! You're mountain is waiting so get on your way!"- Dr. Seuss


Few Reminders:

  1. Please remind your children about mask wearing inside the school building. All children should have masks on as they enter the school building. Masks needs to be worn above the noses AT ALL TIMES except when drinking water and eating lunch in the cafeteria. Our school nurse will be coming around to each classroom to talk to each class about masks as well. 
  2. Please make sure to keep children home if there are having cold like symptoms. These include, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, etc. Please also let us know (teacher, nurse, and office) why your child is absent. 











Author: Devin Ard
Last modified: 10/15/2021 9:40 AM (EDT)