<center><font color=#0066ff size= 4>Kimberly Dinwiddie's Teacher Education Portfolio

  1. Child Development
    1. Philosophy
    2. Service Learning Reflection
    3. Social Development and Friendships
      1. Checklist
      2. Social Development PowerPoint
    4. “Who’s Afraid of the Dark?”
    5. Children's Television
      1. Programs
      2. Advertisements
    6. HOP Club
      1. December Calendar
        1. December Projects
      2. January Calendar
        1. January Projects
      3. February Calendar
        1. February Projects
      4. HOP Club Flyer
    7. Bright or Gifted?
  2. Children's Literature
    1. My model classroom library
    2. Reading aloud to children
    3. Literature Timeline
    4. Story Grammer Flashcards
    5. Book Quilt
    6. Dr. Seuss Birthday Party
    7. Diary of a Worm Literature Lesson
    8. Fairytale News Literature Lesson
    9. Literature Reviews
    10. Reading Journal
    11. Bloom's Taxonomy
    12. Philosophy
    13. Final Reflection
  3. Classroom Management
    1. Classroom Rules and Consequences
    2. Lesson Plan Outline
    3. Classroom Layout
      1. Classroom Layout Explanation
    4. My Management Style
    5. Parent Communication
    6. Theorist Presentation
      1. Annotated Bibliography
      2. Presentation Handouts
      3. Presentation PowerPoint
    7. Service Learning Final Reflection
    8. Philosophy of Classroom Management
  4. Cultural Diversity
    1. Films and Speakers
      1. Stand and Deliver
      2. History of Education
      3. A Class Divided
      4. Mrs. Camacho
      5. Diane Fernicho
      6. Patricia E. McIntyre
      7. Dr. Janel White-Taylor
      8. Kami Hoskins
      9. Sandra Stueber
    2. Philosophy
    3. Research Project
      1. Power Point
      2. Presentation Handout
      3. Annotated Bibliography
      4. Research Paper
        1. References
      5. Presentation Activity
    4. Final Reflection
    5. Critical Analysis
    6. Cultural Calendar
    7. Teaching Strategies
  5. Exceptional Learner
    1. Field Experience
    2. Speech and Language Disorder
    3. Philosophy of Educating Exceptional Learners
  6. History for Elementary Education Majors
    1. George Washington
      1. Fact Sheet
      2. Fact books
      3. Missing Letters
      4. Match the cherry trees
    2. California Gold Rush
      1. Gold Math
      2. Match the Tools worksheet
      3. Evaluation worksheet
      4. Coloring Page
  7. Introduction to Education
    1. Philosophy
    2. Research Paper
      1. Annotated Bibliography
      2. <FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#000066 size=3>Summary
      3. PowerPoint
      4. References
    3. Critical Analysis
    4. Final Reflection
      1. PowerPoint-The Little Things
  8. Technology Courses
    1. PowerPoint
    2. Internet/Web
      1. <FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#000066 size=3>WebQuests
    3. Computer Science
      1. Fourth Grade Lesson
        1. Example Project
      2. WebQuest
        1. Teacher Page
        2. Example PowerPoint
      3. Philosophy
      4. Final Reflection
      5. Reader Response
      6. Janet Schwab Reflection
      7. Word Artifacts
      8. PowerPoint How To Handout
      9. PowerPoint Presentation
    4. Photoshop Elements 4
      1. Reader Response
    5. Microsoft Publisher
      1. WebQuest
        1. Teacher Page
        2. Example Page
      2. Classroom Newsletter
      3. Read aloud Trifold
      4. E-mail Newsletter
      5. Classroom Web Page and Calendar
      6. Getting to Know you Flyer
    6. Electronic Portfolio Development
  9. Theory of Elementary Math I
    1. Philosophy
    2. Kindergarten Game
      1. Lesson Plan
      2. Grouping and Patterns Game Board
    3. Interactive Math web sites
    4. Curriculum Map
      1. Kindergarten Curriculum
      2. What to include in a curriculum map
    5. Math Literature Lesson
      1. Lesson Plan
      2. Math activity
    6. Math Standards
  10. Theory of Elementary Math II
    1. Philosophy
    2. Turtle Probability
    3. Polygon and Polyhedron Lesson Plan
    4. Design, Spin, and Graph


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Forever Growing


            The math knowledge of the world will be forever growing and developing. I remember when I was learning math, I would ask questions like, “Why do we need to know this or when will I ever use this?” I want to teach my students math in many ways so they do not ask questions like this. I want to relate math to several aspects of their lives and show them how they can use it. I believe students have a hard time with math because they do not find it interesting, they do not know how math applies to their lives, and they have not been taught in a positive environment.


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Resources are a very important part of any teacher’s room. A creative resource can turn a boring math lesson into a positive learning experience for all students. I will create lessons to apply to auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. One resource that I will always use in my classroom is technology. Teaching math with technology will make the students interested in math and help them to learn. I will introduce many safe internet websites that teach students wonderful interactive math lessons. I will send a newsletter home to the parents with the interactive math websites in order for the students to work with their parents on the websites. This will promote positive parental involvement along with reassuring them of the safety of the sites. Utilizing the interactive math websites will also contribute to the students’ proficiency on the computer. I will use many manipulatives to reinforce a topic for the students’ hands on practice. Intergrading topics with math is another way to teach math in a creative way. I can do this by combining a book with a math activity which becomes a math literature lesson. I believe teachers need to be creative with resources in order to make learning enjoyable as well as unforgettable.

Math All Around

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Math is found all around in many different forms. I will teach the math standards and show my students how they can use the math in important situations. I believe that when students ask their famous “Why is this important in my life?” questions, I want to be able to show them by relating math to everyday situations. Everyday situations could be like dealing with money or how many pages are left in the book they are reading or comparing items together to make connections.

Math Section


Since math will be a big part of my day, I want to develop a strong math section of my classroom. In my math section, I will have a variety of math resources to encourage students to enjoy and learn to love math. I want to create a strong math environment to encourage students to enjoy math. Math is a subject that should be taken step by step, in order to learn effectively and should not be rushed. Math can also be a time of discovery for the students to figure out the concepts and reasons behind each lesson. I will make myself available to my students to before and after school as well as during recess and lunch if any one is having difficulties.

My Goal


My goal as a teacher for teaching math will ultimately be that my students learn and understand the math I am teaching. I will incorporate all the different learning styles into my instructing as well as many resources while teaching to the standards. I will be sure to update and continue my education, especially my math education because math is and will always be forever growing with new ideas and concepts.




All pictures are from Microsoft Clipart Online

Author: Kimberly Dinwiddie
Last modified: 5/5/2006 10:39 PM (EDT)