Deana Ferreira

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Diverse Populations Professional Development Plan



Most great learning happens in groups. Collaboration is the stuff of growth.
-Sir Ken Robinson Ph.D.



EDL 708 course (Creating Effective and Supportive Learning Environments for All Students) has exposed the various diverse populations we hve in our school system;which incude Students with Special Needs, English Language Learners, Black & Hispanic Students and Econoically Disadvantaged Students.  As school leaders, we need to foster a healthy productive environment for all our students including our diverse populations by designing and implementing of isntrucitonal programs that will ensure success.

Nationally the number of student with Special Needs is growing rapidly.  “Overall, the percent of students with disabilities in the United States has grown from just over 8 percent of the total student population in 1977 go nearly 14% in 2006.

But this increase has not been uniform across all disability types.  The biggest increases have been in the “specific learning disabilities” category, which grew over 200 percent during this time” (Dillon, 2007, ₱ 5).  It also known that minority students are overrepresented in special education. “African American students make up approximately 15 percent of the total student population, but represent 21 percent of the special education population.  This difference is even more pronounced when divided by disability type.  African American students are much more likely to be diagnosed with mental retardation, emotional disturbances, or developmental delay, making up 34 percent, 29 percent, and 22 percent, respectively, of those populations.  White students, on the other hand, are more likely to be diagnosed with autism, making up 68 percent of that population compared with only 62 percent of the total student population, and also with other health impairments, making up 71 percent of those students” (Dillon, 2007, ₱ 10)

How does the school system equip itself to provide education which brings success for all students fairly and equitably?  Studies have shown that both general and special education students benefit from joint education.  “Co-teaching is a model that emphasizes collaboration and communication among all members of a team to meet the needs of all students.  These teams come together for a common purpose, typically to meet a wide range of learners more effectively” (Dieker, 2011, ₱ 3).  With the use of collaborative team teaching, we address the need of two diverse groups, special needs students and minority students.  As a school leader, how can I ensure the successful implementation and optimal effectiveness of Collaborative Team Teaching in my school?

The following is a Professional Development Program to indoctrinate the school staff into Collaborative Team Teaching (CTT).  CTT also known as co-teaching is described as a marriage between the content specialist and the strategy specialist. 



**Please see attached for the entire project.

































Author: Deana Ferreira
Last modified: 5/5/2014 6:35 AM (EDT)