Martin Finnie's Professional Portfolio

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Helping Students Transition

Programs for students to ease their transition into college

First Year Experience

 Most of the programs I run allow me to meet students who are looking for guidance or looking to do great things.  Collaborating with these students to help them achieve their goals is a satisfying part of my job that will likely never be matched.  


Second Year Experience


 Research has shown that second year students are still in their transition into this big next chapter.  It is important to recognize this and continue to provide services and intentional programming with the goal of making college a manageable time in their lives as they navigate new independence and self discovery.    


Transfer Support

In addition to running UNIV 201 Transfer Seminar Program, I am grateful for the chance to work with high achieving transfer students who are a part of Loyola's Tau Sigma National Honors Society.  These students have achieved academic success in their first semester after transferring to Loyola by earning a 3.5 gpa.  In my work with Tau Sigma I have helped the society grow in enrollment and in involvement on campus.  I have worked to develop a Tau Sigma leadership team that serve as student leaders who work to keep Tau Sigma members engaged in further supporting transfer students new to our campus.  Working with this leadership team is truly fulfilling, as they are exemplary students who care enough to improve the transition of their peers.   

Author: Martin Finnie
Last modified: 12/6/2018 7:36 AM (EDT)