M. Ed. Education Administration 08

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EDA 550 - ISLLC 1,2,5,6

Supervision and Instructional Leadership
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Module 3

Personal Philosophy of Supervision
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The attached paper looks at three approaches to supervision while outlining my personal philosophy of supervision. The paper addresses the following specified AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards :

Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 2: Promotes support for and fulfillment of the organization's mission by effectively supervising instructional practices by utilizing a variety of supervisory approaches.

Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community by empowering instructional staff to meet these demands.

Performance Indicator 5: Facilitates the development of strategic action plans, and goals in cooperation with the community as part of Clinical Supervision practices and alternatives to traditional professional development training.

Performance Indicator 6: Sets priorities in the context of community, student, faculty and staff needs by building and maintaining personal relationships in order to determine the true needs of the learning community.

Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 1: Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations in pre-conference meetings prior to clinical supervision practices.

Performance Indicator 6: Promotes the importance of understanding and appreciating the diversity in the community by spending the time and effort to develop an individual bond and relationship with teachers in order to empower and support staff.

Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates a knowledge and uses a variety of theories and models of organizations and of the principles of organizational development as the Professional Development Plan are developed with consideration of different supervisory approaches and styles.

Performance Indicator 10: Applies adult motivation research to select appropriate models for supervision of the organization as part of the Professional Development Plan.

Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 12: Describes and applies legal requirements affecting student supervision during all phases of supervision including clinical supervision activities and professional development training.

US National Standards

My plan is to empower and develop my staff's instructional and leadership skills so they continually strive to improve and the sustain growth, through collaboration and a culture of trust (ISLLC Standard 1; Function A & D; ISLLC Standard 2; Functions A & F).

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 2: Promotes support for and fulfillment of the organization's mission;
Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community;
Performance Indicator 5: Facilitates the development of strategic action plans, and goals in cooperation with the community;
Performance Indicator 6: Sets priorities in the context of community, student, faculty and staff needs;
Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 1: Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations;
Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 12: Describes and applies legal requirements affecting student supervision.
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 1: An education leader promotes the success of every student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by all stakeholders
Function: A. Collaboratively develop and implement a shared vision and mission.
Function: D. Promote continuous and sustainable improvement
Standard: Standard 2: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Function: A. Nurture and sustain a culture of collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations
Function: F. Develop the instructional and leadership capacity of staff

Module 7

Supervision for Instructional Improvement
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The following paper analyzes the four tasks of supervision for the purpose of instructional improvement (direct assistance; group development; professional development; and curriculum development). The following specified standards are addressed in the analysis:

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making such as the formative evaluation processes in clinical supervision, and the development of groups to effect instructional change.

Performance Indicator 3: Identifies, frames, and solves problems in the post conferences of formative assessments and as a group leader and curriculum developer.

Performance Indicator 4: Identifies priorities and formulates plans of action to meet internal and external expectations with the discussion and adoption of school wide curriculum.

Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates knowledge of curriculum design by utilizing Bloom's Taxonomy and debating transmission, transaction, and transformation positions and philosophies.

Performance Indicator 2: Develops a strategic plan that enhances teaching and learning by focusing on four key areas of improvement: individual direct assistance; group development; professional development; and curriculum development.

Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates understanding of instructional objectives using theories of cognitive development with foundations of Bloom's Taxonomy and teacher developmental stages.

Performance Indicator 5: Demonstrates a knowledge of alignment and sequence of curriculum which promotes student achievement as adoption of curriculum includes the decision of what to teach, when, how, for what duration, and under what forms of assessments.

Performance Indicator 6: Demonstrates knowledge of valid and reliable performance indicators and testing procedures to measure student achievement with proposed variety of assessments built into curriculum.

Performance Indicator 7: Demonstrates knowledge of assessment strategies to help students achieve at high levels with inclusion of learning profiles and variety of assessments.

Performance Indicator 8: Utilizes current technologies which support management and instructional functions in directive assistance with materials and resources to include relevant technologies.

Performance Indicator 10: Demonstrates knowledge of research findings on the use of a variety of instructional strategies that include multicultural sensitivity and various learning styles with the inherent flexibility afforded by curriculum generated largely by teachers intimate with the diversity of cultures and learning styles in the classroom and the school as a whole.

US National Standards

The major goal as a supervisor is to model the ethical practices, reflective practices, and self-awareness I'll expect out of my staff (ISLLC Standard 5; Function B), while adapting my leadership practices/strategies to improve instruction (ISLLC Standard 6; Function C).

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making;
Performance Indicator 3: Identifies, frames, and solves problems;
Performance Indicator 4: Identifies priorities and formulates plans of action to meet internal and external expectations;
Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates knowledge of curriculum design;
Performance Indicator 2: Develops a strategic plan that enhances teaching and learning;
Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates understanding of instructional objectives using theories of cognitive development;
Performance Indicator 5: Demonstrates a knowledge of alignment and sequence of curriculum which promotes student achievement;
Performance Indicator 6: Demonstrates knowledge of valid and reliable performance indicators and testing procedures to measure student achievement;
Performance Indicator 8: Utilizes current technologies which support management and instructional functions;
Performance Indicator 10: Demonstrates knowledge of research findings on the use of a variety of instructional strategies that include multicultural sensitivity and various learning styles;
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 5: An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.
Function: B. Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior
Standard: Standard 6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Function: C. Assess, analyze, and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies
Author: Gary Fishel
Last modified: 12/18/2010 9:26 AM (EST)