M. Ed. Education Administration 08

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EDA 532 - ISLLC 5, 6

Legal Issues in Education
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APAS 2,4 (ISLLC 6)- required

Relationship between the Law and Your School - Module 1
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The following paper looks at the law and its application in my current school setting, based upon internet sources, course readings and discussions, and a personal interview. The following required standards are addressed in its proposals and reflections:

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 3: Adjusts local policy to state and federal requirements: Several local breaches of law are identified for discussion and compliance with legal requirements.

Performance Indicator 4: Develops procedures to recognize potential civil and criminal liabilities: Paper propose the creation of a checklist to guide decisions in the course of supervision and reflection; and the development of site committees to focus on accountability and adherence to law.

Performance Indicator 5: Develops procedures to provide for equal educational opportunities in educational programs: Religion has to be covered in order to understand world events, so a discussion of all major religions is incorporated into subject matter, and religious and secular organizations will be allowed equal access to school resourses after school hours.

Performance Indicator 8: Works effectively with policy makers: Working with policy makers is vital. Paper proposes the establishment of connections/relationships with all policy makers, from peer administrators, school board members, up to legislative representatives. Make and maintain relationships to help guide, influence, and adhere to policy developments.

Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 12: Identifies the potential legal issues affecting school personnel selection, development, supervision, retention, and dismissal: Knowing and applying the law in practical ways including: Test law knowledge of applicants during interview process; test, communicate, and train awareness and law related information during professional development; and identify legal and illegal practices during supervision to use as basis for retention or dismissal of personnel.

Understanding and working within the legal frameworks available allows an admininstrator to act to influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning (ISLLC Standard 6; Function B).

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 3: Adjusts local policy to state and federal requirements;
Performance Indicator 4: Develops procedures to recognize potential civil and criminal liabilities;
Performance Indicator 5: Develops procedures to provide for equal educational opportunities in educational programs;
Performance Indicator 8: Works effectively with policy makers.
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 12: Identifies the potential legal issues affecting school personnel selection, development, supervision, retention, and dismissal;
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Function: B. Act to influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning

APAS 2, 3 (ISLLC 6)- required

Pre-empting Liability - Module 5
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The following paper explores liability issues facing schools and school leadership and makes some proposals to elleviate some of these concerns. The paper addresses the following specified standards:

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards

Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 3: Adjusts local policy to state and federal requirements: Proposed committee makes suggestions to adjust policies to comply with requirements if identified to be lacking.

Performance Indicator 4: Develops procedures to recognize potential civil and criminal liabilities: Once again, the proposed committee given responsibility to review policies and their effectiveness will develop their own policies to recognize potential liabilities.

Performance Indicator 5: Develops procedures to provide for equal educational opportunities in educational programs: Equal educational opportunties are a legal requirement and the proposed committee to review policies will ensure that all students, of all programs on campus, will have equal educational opportunities.

Performance Indicator 6: Promotes the importance of understanding and appreciating the diversity in the community: Ensuring compliance to all legal obligations will necessitate the promotion of diversity. Diversity cannot be successfully protected if it is not promoted and appreciated. The two go hand in hand. Any actions or activitles which belittle diversity will be discarded and any actions or activies which promote it will be uplifted and supported by myself and those appointed to collaborate and review policies.

Standard 3: The administrator implements positive and proactive communication strategies for effective parent and community involvement to improve the learning environment for all students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 2: Requests and responds to community feedback: My proposed committee will be tasked with improving our school's ability to meet all legal requirements. Part of that will be to seek input from staff, students, and community members. An effective group will seek, gather, and respond to this input in an appropriate manner to build and maintain positive relations between the shareholders of our learning community.

Understanding emerging trends in legal requirements and liability will enable an admininstrator to respond accordingly and proactively to avoid problems (ISLLC Standard 6; Function C).

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 3: Adjusts local policy to state and federal requirements;
Performance Indicator 4: Develops procedures to recognize potential civil and criminal liabilities;
Performance Indicator 5: Develops procedures to provide for equal educational opportunities in educational programs;
Performance Indicator 6: Promotes the importance of understanding and appreciating the diversity in the community;
Standard 3: The administrator implements positive and proactive communication strategies for effective parent and community involvement to improve the learning environment for all students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 2: Requests and responds to community feedback;
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Function: C. Assess, analyze, and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies

APAS1,2,3,4(ISLLC 5,6)required

Teachers’ Rights -Module 7
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The attached paper deals with legal rights held by teachers. This is informative as both a teacher and an administrator when building relationships and making difficult decisions about instructional practices and personal behaviors. My paper addresses the following specified standards:

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards

Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community: Familiarization with legal rights of students and teachers effects how I'd deal with faculty, students, and the community. My relationship will depend upon this relationship and any infringement of their rights would lessen my effectiveness as an administration as their respect in my judgment would be suspect.

Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 1: Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations: Plan of action includes a proposed individual contract developed mutally between teacher and administrator, both as a part of the formal evaluation and/or as a separate entity.

Performance Indicator 6: Promotes the importance of understanding and appreciating the diversity in the community: Teacher advocacy group would be developed to help identify, understand the promote diversity, such as religious or cultural expressions which would be appropriate to celebrate.

Standard 3: The administrator implements positive and proactive communication strategies for effective parent and community involvement to improve the learning environment for all students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 3: Demonstrates consensus building and conflict mediation: Administrative Peer Evaluation helps with conflict mediation, the involvement of respected teachers to provide peer counseling and review with teachers builds consensus and helps mediate conflict, especially one-on-one personality conflicts.

Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making: the involvement of teacher peer groups and individual expectation contracts define expectations and establish procedures to come to decisions.

Performance Indicator 3: Identifies, frames, and solves problems: Mutual, individual contracts, teacher peer reviews, and administrator peer reviews identify, frame, and solve problems.

Performance Indicator 9: Utilizes staff evaluation and staff development systems to improve the performance of staff members: Mutual, independent contracts are in addition to staff evaluation and the peer reviews help improve the performance of staff members.

USA National - ISLLC Standards

A big part of management and teaching is reflection. We must know if what we did was the most effective path (ISLLC Standard 5; Function B).  An administrator must understand legal and liability issues in order to best motivate and supervise teachers and to influence decision making processes (ISLLC Standard 6; Functions B & C).

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community;
Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 1: Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations;
Performance Indicator 6: Promotes the importance of understanding and appreciating the diversity in the community;
Performance Indicator 7: Applies strategies for addressing international issues affecting teaching and learning; and
Standard 3: The administrator implements positive and proactive communication strategies for effective parent and community involvement to improve the learning environment for all students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 3: Demonstrates consensus building and conflict mediation;
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making;
Performance Indicator 3: Identifies, frames, and solves problems;
Performance Indicator 9: Utilizes staff evaluation and staff development systems to improve the performance of staff members;
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 5: An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.
Function: B. Model principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior
Standard: Standard 6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Function: B. Act to influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning
Function: C. Assess, analyze, and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies
Author: Gary Fishel
Last modified: 12/18/2010 9:26 AM (EST)