M. Ed. Education Administration 08

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EDA 570 - ISLLC 2,6

Action Research in Education Administration
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Module 3

Research Study - Statement of Problem, Research Questions, and Definition of Terms-Module 1, 3
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The following paper outlines the first steps in an action research project to determine the effects student behavior with an intentional focus upon positive reinforcements as an alternative to punishment and negative reinforcement. It addresses the following standards/Performance Indicators:

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community with proposal to study positive reinforcement and its affect upon behavior.

Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 1: Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations with qualitative research aimed at clarifying expectations.

Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator uses school resources:

Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making, using school resources to identify the problem, gather and analyze data for final reporting.

Performance Indicator 3: Identifies, frames, and solves problems by the problem statement and research questions.

Performance Indicator 16: Promotes a safe and effective learning environment by providing a positive change to student behavior and increasing safety and learning effectiveness.

Performance Indicator 17: The increased focus upon positive reinforcement applies to daily practice the ethical conduct of the profession.

Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 9: Exhibits knowledge of an instructional management system focusing that includes research findings on learning, motivation, instructional strategies, instructional time, and resources to maximize student achievement by conducting an action research study to compare the effects of positive reinforcement upon the behavior of students in order to develop a management system which maximizes student achievement by limiting behavior disruptions.

Performance Indicator 10: Demonstrates knowledge of research findings on the use of a variety of instructional strategies that include multicultural sensitivity and various learning styles by studying the effects of positive reinforcement upon a variety of behaviors and environments.

US National Standards

Through Action Research teachers and administrators can create personalized and motivating learning environments for students (ISLLC Standard 2; Function C) by assessing, analyzing, and anticipating emerging trends and initiatives (ISLLC Standard 6; Function C).
AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community;
Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 1: Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations;
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making;
Performance Indicator 3: Identifies, frames, and solves problems;
Performance Indicator 16: Promotes a safe and effective learning environment; and
Performance Indicator 17: Applies to daily practice the ethical conduct of the profession.
Standard 5: The administrator advocates and supports curricular and instructional programs which promote the success of students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 9: Exhibits knowledge of an instructional management system that includes research findings on learning, motivation, instructional strategies, instructional time, and resources to maximize student achievement;
Performance Indicator 10: Demonstrates knowledge of research findings on the use of a variety of instructional strategies that include multicultural sensitivity and various learning styles;
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 2: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
Function: C. Create a personalized and motivating learning environment for students
Standard: Standard 6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Function: C. Assess, analyze, and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies

Module 8

Action Research Project: Final_Module 8
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The following report analyzes important information uncovered in a review of literature sources and explains how it relates or contributes to the theoretical perspective of the study. The following specified standards are addressed in the report:

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates a knowledge and uses a variety of theories and models of organizations and of the principles of organizational development by applying theories of behavior proposed by B.F. Skinner and Edward Thorndike to complete a research study organized as an action research study.

Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making by the design, implementation and reporting of an action research study conducted on the effects of positive reinforcements on classroom behavior.

US National Standards

Literature Review is a critical part of Action Research. A quick survey of literature sources can focus additional research and lessen wasted time in fruitless searching. Review of literature is a collection and analysis of data and information (ISLLC Standard 4; Function A) used to improved instruction and to adapt practices to emerging trends and initiatives (ISLLC Standard 6; Function C).

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 4: The administrator effectively manages services, programs, operations, and resources. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 1: Demonstrates a knowledge and uses a variety of theories and models of organizations and of the principles of organizational development;
Performance Indicator 2: Defines and uses effective processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for decision making;
USA- ISLLC Educational Leadership Policy Standards 2008
Standard: Standard 4: An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources.
Function: A. Collect and analyze data and information pertinent to the educational environment
Standard: Standard 6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.
Function: C. Assess, analyze, and anticipate emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt leadership strategies
Author: Gary Fishel
Last modified: 12/18/2010 9:26 AM (EST)