M. Ed. Education Administration 08

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EDA 533 - ISLLC 3, 4, 6

Public School Finance
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APAS1,2 (ISLLC 3,4,6)-required

Taxation and Distribution - Module 3
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The following paper explores the taxation and distribution of public education funds. The following Arizona Professional Administrative Standards are addressed by the paper:
Standard 1: Performance Indicators 4 and 7: - Knowing the types of funding available, how they are generated and allocated, and how special needs can be equitably addressed in diverse communities will allow me as an administrator to facilitate the development, articulation, implementation, and management of my organization's mission. To meet the needs of diverse students and special needs, I will have to use initiative and be creative as I manipulate the resources to achieve the mission.
Standard 2: Performance Indicators 2, 3, and 8: I will have to work effectively with policy makers to develop working relationships and strategies to formulate and implement policy and practice according to state and federal funding requirements. Without a working knowledge of this funding, how it is generated, and how it can be distributed, this cannot be accomplished.

National ISLLC standards are also addressed, especially ISLLC Standard 6, as an administrator must have knowledge of systems effecting schools (Knowledge), continue dialogue with other decision makers (Disposition), and must shape public policy accordingly (Performance).
AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community;
Performance Indicator 7: Serves as an articulate spokesperson for the welfare of all students in a diverse community;
Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 2: Develops working relationships and strategies for formulating and implementing organizational policy and funding practices;
Performance Indicator 3: Adjusts local policy to state and federal requirements;
Performance Indicator 8: Works effectively with policy makers.
USA- ISLLC - Standards for School Leaders (With Competencies)
Standard: Standard 6: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context
Area: KnowledgeThe administrator has knowledge and understanding of:
Competency: the political, social, cultural and economic systems and processes that impact schools
Area: DispositionsThe administrator believes in, values, and is committed to:
Competency: importance of a continuing dialogue with other decision makers affecting education
Area: PerformancesThe administrator facilitates processes and engages in activities ensuring that:
Competency: public policy is shaped to provide quality education for students

APAS1,2,3(ISLLC 3,4,6)required

Budgetary Overview - Module 6
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The following paper provides a budgetary overview to a new superintendent and newly elected school board member who are inexperienced with budgetary practices and how a school budget is designed. The paper addresses the following specified standards:

AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 4: The overview of the budgetary process demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community.

Performance Indicator 6: Sets priorities in the context of community, student, faculty and staff needs while developing the budget and determining the educational program needs.

Performance Indicator 7: Serves as an articulate spokesperson for the welfare of all students in a diverse community including diversity as a product of the academic program and a result of the proposed site-based budgetary decision making process.

Standard 2: The administrator facilitates the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the social, cultural, and legal aspects of the community. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 1: Develops procedures for defining mutual expectations: meet with developed site groups to hash out budget concerns in a site-based budgeting system.

Performance Indicator 2: Develops working relationships and strategies for formulating and implementing organizational policy and funding practices through establishment and development of site-based budgeting procedures and decision making policies to prioritize and organize programs and resources.

Performance Indicator 3: Adjusts local policy to state and federal requirements while following GASB policies and while adhering to school fiscal year budget as approved by local school board.

Performance Indicator 8: Works effectively with policy makers to develop and present proposed budget and to adhere to approved budget.

Standard 3: The administrator implements positive and proactive communication strategies for effective parent and community involvement to improve the learning environment for all students. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:

Performance Indicator 5: Uses communications skills to strengthen community support with a thorough review of the proposed budget in a creative presentation (power point, drawings, maps, models, etc.) at a budget hearing, making sure to communicate effectively to the intended audience.

Performance Indicator 6: Develops support for organizational priorities by including diverse shareholders into the budgetary decision making process through site-based approaches.

USA National ISLLC Standards

The proposal advocates working with various shareholders to understand and plan the budgetary processes for the school which addresses ISLLC Standard 6; Area: Knowledge: Know how economic systems and processes impact schools; Area: Disposition: Continuing dialogue with other decision makers; and Performance: The shaping of public policy within this framework.
AZ- Arizona Professional Administrative Standards
Standard 1: The administrator facilitates the development, articulation, implementation, and management of an organization's mission. The performance assessment shall measure the extent to which the administrator:
Performance Indicator 4: Demonstrates a knowledge of educational issues and how they affect students, schools, and the community;
Performance Indicator 6: Sets priorities in the context of community, student, faculty and staff needs;
Performance Indicator 7: Serves as an articulate spokesperson for the welfare of all students in a diverse community;
USA- ISLLC - Standards for School Leaders (With Competencies)
Standard: Standard 6: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context
Area: KnowledgeThe administrator has knowledge and understanding of:
Competency: the political, social, cultural and economic systems and processes that impact schools
Area: DispositionsThe administrator believes in, values, and is committed to:
Competency: importance of a continuing dialogue with other decision makers affecting education
Area: PerformancesThe administrator facilitates processes and engages in activities ensuring that:
Competency: public policy is shaped to provide quality education for students
Author: Gary Fishel
Last modified: 12/18/2010 9:26 AM (EST)